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Friday, August 21, 2020

Drowning in a Glass Half Empty Essay -- Personal Narrative Hiking Essa

Suffocating in a Glass Half Empty Tediously strolling into the anteroom of my habitation lobby, a gathering of my colleagues accumulated to leave on a journey through Poly Canyon. We wandered over to our meeting with our teacher on a rock street sided by a forest of eucalyptus trees ascending like a rib confine. I questioned this would have been in any way similar to what Henry David Thoreau planned in his exposition â€Å"Walking,† when he portrayed strolling as being â€Å"absolutely liberated from all common engagements.† If one liberates oneself from common commitment, one may travel into care, a condition of complete attention to being. We had a guide, we were a class, and we carried with us society. I conveyed a knapsack with pen and paper, a sweatshirt, and pessimism heavier than the haze we drudged through. Grounds lodging structures vanished behind us, and we were on a street twisting around slopes. I watched sprinklers watering dead grass, phone wires slicing through trees, and a dumpster loaded with squander, intensified by a vehicle going through our troupe. We had far to go before we could escape from human advancement. My cynicism extended as I tuned in to my cohorts prattle in amazement about deer on the slope and heard our educator notice a harmful waste contention. One deer stood gloriously on the slope, its dim, shadowy layout about straightforward in the thick haze, while two others looked at us with less enthusiasm than we peered toward them. I had seen more deer on an open fairway the day preceding. One of my schoolmates started her story out loud, adding to the common commitment I wished to expel myself from. Proceeding onward, I went under a stone curve onto a path where I sat and recorded my considerations; drawing ... ...each, watching out to the ocean. Flying creatures peeped, dairy animals mooed, cameras clicked, and a strangely quieting and consoling background noise vehicle traffic were all perceptible. I was separated from everyone else. At long last, my pessimism is mist. I couldn’t have delighted in the stroll as much as I managed without defeating my pessimism; in addition, I couldn’t have valued the excellence of the haze without strolling above it, to view it completely. I walked, strolling towards a heavenly land. I picked up care through taking a gander at the bowl of milk that was Poly Canyon lowered in haze, concentrating on each breath and each progression upon old stone, feeling the dew from pack grass cool the jabs of yucca hedge, and going to another spot in body and soul. I attempted a journey regardless of battling it as well as could be expected. Strolling bit by bit beat my criticism, as the morning sun gradually shriveled away the haze.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sample Essays for Students - What to Use For Examples in Your Essay

Sample Essays for Students - What to Use For Examples in Your EssayThere are so many different issues to discuss in a SOROS application essay. The key point is that it must have all the qualities of your essay except perhaps too much information.Essays are supposed to be more personal than answers to sample questions. While you can find various examples of these on the Internet, the essay should be able to stand alone as an answer to a specific sample question. For example, if a school asks students about their favorite composer and your answer is Beethoven, it may not make the cut.You must give your own voice to your essay. Your samples are only guidelines. You need to use these guides to bring the information you have gathered into a cohesive essay.Here are some ideas for samples that may be considered in your SOROS application essay. These examples are by no means exhaustive.First, if your topic is history, you can use books that provide additional information. If your topic is an aspect of your personal life, you can use your background in researching your topic to your advantage. For example, if you're writing about a friend who died young, you might discuss his life with other friends.The next idea you can use for samples is to use a personal anecdote. While writing an essay about a loved one, you can include a little personal anecdote that has a personal touch. It could be the time your mother took you to the zoo or the time your daughter made a wonderful discovery in the kitchen.Finally, when using a writing sample, you should also consider using stories from the life of your subject. For example, if you're writing about an experience you had with your family, you might include some of the stories your mother, father and brothers have shared with you. Use these memories to make your essay personal.Make your essay as personal as possible. It will help to use all the samples as your guide but you should still be able to express yourself using your own uni que voice. Always write your essay in a style that is conversational; do not use a tone or form that is formal.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Macro environmental factors that affect firms - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1558 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? These factors are not within the control of management of business but still affects the business up to large extends. These factors are almost uncontrollable. The organization has to fit into this environment to survive in this competitive scenario. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Macro environmental factors that affect firms" essay for you Create order These factors of macro environment also affects the factors within the organization i.e. factors of micro environment. There are many factors in the macro-environment that will affect the decisions of the managers of any organization in this whole world. Tax changes, new laws, trade barriers, demographic change and government policy, political changes are all examples of macro change. To analyze these factors managers can categories them using the PESTEL model. Political factors: This refers to government policy, For example: the degree of intervention in the economy. What goods and services a government wants to provide? Up To what extent does it believe in subsidizing firms? What are its major priorities in terms of business support? Political decisions can impact on many vital areas of business such as the education of the workforce, the health of the nation and the quality of the infrastructure of the economy such as the road and rail system. Economic factors: This inclu des interest rates, taxation changes, economic growth, inflation and exchange rates. For example: Higher interest rate may deter the investment because it costs more to borrow. Inflation may provoke the higher wage demands from employees and raise costs. Higher national income growth may boost the demand for a firms products. Social factors: Changes in social trends can impact on the demand for a firms products and the availability and willingness of employees to work. For example: In the UK, the population has been ageing. This has increased the costs for firms who are committed to pension payments for their employees because their staffs are living longer. It also means some firms like ASDA have started to recruit older employees to tap into this growing labor pool. The ageing population also has impact on demand. For example: Demand for sheltered accommodation and medicines have increased whereas demand for toys is falling. Technological factors: New technol ogy creates new products and new processes. MP3 players, computer games, online gambling, i-pods and high definition TVs are all new markets created by technological advances. Online shopping, bar coding and computer aided design are all improvements to the way the businessmen do business as a result of better technology. Technology can reduce costs; improve quality and leads to innovation. These developments can benefit consumers as well as the organizations which providing the products. Environmental factors: Environmental factor includes the weather and climate change. Changes in temperature can impact on many industries which include farming, tourism and insurance. With major climate changes occurring due to global warming and with greater environmental awareness these external factors are becoming a significant issue for firms to consider. The growing desire to protect the environment is having an impact on many industries like the travel and transportation industries (For e xample: more taxes being placed on air travel and the success of hybrid cars.) and the general move towards more environmental friendly products and processes is affecting demand patterns and creating business opportunities. Legal factors: These are related to the legal environment in which firm operates. In recent years in the UK there have been many beneficial legal changes that have affected firms behavior. The introduction of age discrimination and disability discrimination legislation, an increase in the minimum wage and greater requirements for firms to recycle are examples of the recent laws that affect an organisations actions. Legal changes can affect a firms costs and demand. IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Firm to identify opportunities and getting the first mover advantage: Early identification of opportunities helps an enterprise to be the first to catch them instead of losing them to competitors. For example: Maruti Udyog became the leader in the small car market since it was the first to recognize the need for small cars in India. Firm to identify threats and early warning signals: If an Indian firm finds that a foreign multinational company is entering the Indian market it should gives a warning signal and Indian firms can meet the threat by adopting, by improving the quality of the product, reducing cost of the production, engaging in aggressive advertising, and so on. Coping with rapid changes: All sizes and all types of industries are facing increasingly dynamic environment. In order to effectively cope with these significant changes, managers must understand and examine the environment and develop suitable courses of action. Improving performance: The enterprises that continuously monitor their environment and adopt suitable business practices are the ones which not only improve their present performance but also continue to succeed in the market for a longer period of time. THE ORGANISATIONAL EXTERNAL BUSINESS STRATEGY By using the PESTEL framework a manager can analyze the many different factors in a firms macro environment. However, it is important not to just list PESTEL factors since this does not in it tell managers very much. What managers need to do is to think about which factors are most likely to change and which will have the greatest impact on them i.e. each firm must identify the key factors in their own environment. Managers must decide on the relative importance of various factors and one way of doing this is to rank and score the likelihood of a change occurring and also rate the impact if it did The higher the likelihood of a change occurring and the greater the impact of any change the more beneficial this factor will be to the firms planning. External Strategies of different organization Economic factors :- Vodafone: The growth of Asian countries like India and china, have had massive effects on Vodafone. Vodafone can relocate production there to benefit from lower costs; these emerging markets are also providing enormous markets for them to aim their product at. With a population of over 1 billion, for example, the Chinese market is not one that anyone would want to ignore, at the same time Chinese producers should not be ignored either. Social factors :- McDonaldà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢s: Important strategic decisions are a key factor to Mac Donaldà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢s success with consideration for both internal and external factors. When considering the foreign market, companies need to consider there are risks. There must be local marketing to appeal to the local consumers and also to build relationships and trust (Bateman Scott, 2004). Therefore, the strategic planning for marketing has to be effective enough. McDonaldà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢s caters its menu in other countries to the cultures of the regions. For example, in India, the non-vegetarian menu includes chicken and fish items only. Beef is not on the menu in India because are considered sacred. Political-legal factors:- American auto makers, the electric car and California: Electric cars For whatever reasons, several of the auto manufacturers in the USA began developing which they leased to satisfied customers. Then, California decided that it would be a good idea to mandate to American auto makers that if they expected to sell their cars in California they would have to invent some new technology reducing carbon dioxide. Presumably, California expected to see an increase of the electric cars being sold by auto makers. What happened is quite the opposite and the auto makers took a hard look at their electric car program, uncertain how to market a clean vehicle without admitting the piston engine vehicles are dirty, realizing that much of the profit from a piston engine vehicle comes with the replacement of the parts and not so with electric cars and finally, realizing that a State, not even the State of California can make them build technology they dont have, nor can any state even make them keep building the technology they do have, and so, the auto makers killed their own electric car program and this was the impact of a political-legal environment. Technological factors:- NOKIA: The starting models of Nokia had some technical problem with battery backup. People who were using those handsets often complain which had spoil the reputation of the Nokia completely. The sales and market price of Nokia fell down drastically. Then management took serious consideration to these problems, and modifies all the handset with latest technology. Nokia had been successful to regain the trust of its consumers and as a result it enjoys monopoly in market. Environmental factors:- Tesco: In 2003, there has been increased pressure on various companies and managers to acknowledge their responsibility to society, and act in a way which benefits society overall. The main societal issue threatening food retailers has been environmental issues, a key area for companies to act in a socially responsible way. Hence by recognizing this trend within the broad ethical stance. Tescos corporate social responsibility is concerned with the ways in which the organization exceeds the minimum obligations to stakeholders specified through regulation and corporate governance. Graiser and Scott (2004) states that in 2003 the government has intended to launch a new strategy for sustainable consumption and production to cut waste reduce consumption of resources and minimize environmental damage. The latest legislation has created a new tax on advertising highly processed and fatty foods. The so-called à ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ'†¹Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"fat tax directly af fected the Tesco product ranges that have subsequently been adapted and affecting relationships with both suppliers and customers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ayurved An Intuitive Concept That Is Wholly Dependent On...

Health and wellness is an intricate concept that is wholly dependent on social and cultural beliefs. This includes how people perceive their health status and how they seek treatment. In Western society, especially North America, conventional medicine is usually the choice of treatment (Elder, 2011). However, conventional medicine does not meet the needs of every individual. In order to create a health care system that is diverse and culturally competent, alternatives to conventional medicine must be discussed and integrated into the existing health care framework. One plausible option is ayurveda. Ayurveda is a holistic approach to care that encompasses mind and body. Because of its cultural depth and comprehensive approach to wellness, ayurveda should be considered as an alternative form of practice or used concurrently with conventional medicine. Historically, ayurveda can be linked to India. The Hindu culture practiced ayurveda faithfully. However, there was no tangible evidence of such practices until there was a historic meeting in the Himalayas where it was decided that literature would be created to support ayurveda (Tillotson, Caldecott, Bajracharya, 2011). There were numerous doctrines created to address every point of health and wellness from internal medicine to surgery (Tillotson, Caldecott, Bajracharya, 2011). Over thousands of years, ayurveda has pervaded much of eastern civilization. Western society has started to incorporate alternative medicine in

Strategies and Decisions International Market Expansion

Question: Discuss about the Strategies and Decisions for International Market Expansion. Answer: Introduction: Joint venture is now considered as an important tool for the expansion of business in international market. Joint venture of the business enables the companies to access the required resources and capabilities of each other which are necessary to achieve the goals by bringing new products, services and technologies in the market. The partnership of two companies is helpful in expanding the business not only in local area but also in international market. This report has been described about the joint venture of two multinational companies Anglo American and Alrosa. The target country of these companies is USA. The strategy of the companies through joint venture is to seek resources in the new country (Hollensen, 2007). Both the companies are famous metal and mining companies. The descriptions of both of the companies are as follows: Anglo American is the famous global mining company which was founded in 24 May 1999. Headquarter of the company is London. The company is engaged in the mining and exploration of costly base metals and ferrous metals. The main mining business of the company includes thermal coal, iron ore, metallurgical coal, manganese, phosphate nickel, minerals and many precious metals and minerals (Forbes Media, 2017). Alrosa is also a famous mining company across the world which was founded in 19 February 1992. Headquarter of the company is in Mirny, Russia. The businesses of Alrosa are production, processing, marketing, exploration and sale of diamonds. The company is operating different segments of market such as social infrastructure, diamond transportation, trading, construction activity, electricity production and many other activities (Forbes Media, 2017). Internationalization strategy It is not easy to enter in the international market. There are many rules and regulations which have to be followed by the companies while entering in the international market. USA is the developed country. It is well known that there are many resources available for the mining companies but it is very critical for the companies to enter in the USA market. For the expansion, especially in the international market, good partnership, proper research and resource, are very necessary (Cateora, 2008). Research of the target market is very important for the success of the business. Both the companies can use the unique strategy for the expansion of the mining business in USA market. The mining industries can face many risks in the international market such as rules and policies, impact of climate change etc (Ingram, 2015). Along with this, tax and regulations are different in USA from Russia and UK. So, it is very important to do proper research about the market while going to start the mi ning business. By the research, it can be seen that there are the good scope for mining business in USA. There are many resources available in USA for the mining industry as USAs mining sector has increased its area in 21st century. The companies can find innovative ways for mineral extractions by special initiatives in the USA market. Along with this, there are USA laws and regulatory agencies which provide framework to increase sustainability for mining activities. Companies also have to consider the impact of formal and informal institutions for the formation of the companies (Ahammad Glaister, 2010). Major implications of formal and informal institutions for formation In present time, joint venture is becoming the essential form of expansion of business in the international market. In joint venture, two or more companies decide to share their assets for future business operations. Joint venture can be the cause of lower business risks, efficient exchange of important information and reduce the conflicts because of cultural and legal differences. The main aim of joint ventures of Anglo American and Alrosa is to expand the mining business in USA market. According to the research, target country is differing in terms of legal regulations, capital and securities market regulations. So, in joint ventures, it can impact on the both of the companies which are going to expand the business in USA market. Both formal (legal and regulatory) and informal (culture) institutions of the country impact the decision of joint venture significantly. Formal and informal rules impact the cross-borders joint ventures (Chen Mujtaba, 2007). In case of formal institutions, there is the strong impact of USA foreign direct investment on the new joint venture of the companies. Anglo American and Alrosa are seeking resources in USA for their business expansion. But, both the companies have to face the impact of foreign direct investment in terms of export and import activity. The FDI of USA promotes free trade between the countries and has positive attitude towards the expansion of foreign company in the country. FDI basically focuses on the economy of the country and allows free trade between the countries. Thus, there is a positive relation between USA foreign direct investment and the joint venture of cross border. Along with this, democratic rules, government stability, and bureaucracy are the important factors of FDI that support the joint venture of cross border. There is low level of corruption in the USA market so both of the mining companies will not face any kind of risk related to fraud in the country. With this, the export and import activities will not be so critical and tough for the companies in USA. So, expanding the mining business with the joint venture in USA market will not be so difficult of Anglo American and Alsrosa. Further, companies have to face lower transaction costs to enter in the market but it will be in positive manner (Jinjarak, 2007). Although, joint venture is good for the expansion of any business but there are many factors that impact the companies decisions to enter in the international market. There are the differences in the countries in terms of investor protection, legal and regulations. Anglo American and Alsrosa choose USA market for expansion, but both of the companies have to understand the culture and environment of the foreign market. For the institutional developments, companies have to understand the culture of target country. Informal institutions may impact the decisions of the companies by the different culture. Cultural differences can be the obstacles for the companies in terms if growth and success. It can be the cause of failure in the new market also. Cultural clashes can be the reason of failures of such business agreements. Different culture and religions can impact the entry of companies in the USA market. Language, culture and region differences can be the main point which has to unders tand by Anglo American and Alsrosa while expanding in USA market (Lee, Shenkar, Li, 2008). Managing joint ventures Managing a joint venture successfully is a difficult task. Anglo American needs proper planning while going to do joint venture with the Alrosa. The company needs to do process with the important agreements, policies and procedures to make sure about the future business operations. There are some points about the management of joint venture. Companies are needed to choose the governance structure while deciding to manage the joint venture. The attorney should be prepared by discussing both of the parties. To manage the joint venture effectively, both of the companies must choose the director by mutual selection. The director can be chosen by voting procedures and independent director should be selected. Both of the companies should be agree on large capital expenditures, creations of assets and sales of material assets in the joint ventures. Strategic plan and annual operating budget should be decided mutually. To resolve the disputes among the companies in joint venture, the common methods such as mediation and litigation should be used. For the functional activities related to production and manufacturing, the companies should use research and development agreement while involving in development program (Lupton Beamish, 2009). By adopting these processes, both Anglo American and Alsrosa will be able to manage the joint venture to expand in USA market successfully. Conclusion The report is basically discussed about the expansion of Anglo American and Alsrosa through joint venture. The main target country of the companies is USA. From the above discussion, it has been analyzed that the partnership of two companies is helpful in expanding the business not only in local area but also in international market. But it needs proper planning related to agreements, rules and policies. Both the companies are from different countries and they are going to expand in totally different country in terms of rules, regulations and culture. It is well known that there are many resources available for the mining companies but it is very critical for the companies to enter in the USA market. Both formal (legal and regulatory) and informal (culture) institutions of the country impact the decision of joint venture significantly. So, for the expansion, especially in the international market, good partnership, proper research and resource, are very necessary. References Ahammad, M.F., Glaister, K.W., (2010), Motives for Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Perspective of UK Firms, Nottingham Trent University, Working Paper Cateora, P.R., (2008), International Marketing (13th), NY: Tata McGraw-Hill Education Chen, L. Y. Mujtaba, B., (2007), The Choice of Entry Mode Strategies and Decisions for International Market Expansion, Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 10(2), pp. 322-337 Forbes Media, (2017), #1,673 Alrosa, accessed on 24th January from https://www.forbes.com/companies/alrosa/ Forbes Media, (2017), #715 Anglo American, accessed on 24th January from https://www.forbes.com/companies/anglo-american/ Hollensen, S., (2007), Global marketing: a decision-oriented approach, (4th), Financial Times Prentice Hall Ingram, T., (2015), Mining companies urged to switch focus to expansion, accessed on 24th January from https://www.smh.com.au/business/mining-and-resources/mining-companies-urged-to-switch-focus-to-growth-20150626-ghyyox.html Jinjarak, Y., (2007), Foreign direct investment and macroeconomic risk, Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(3), pp. 509-519 Lee, S., Shenkar, O., Li, J., (2008), Cultural distance, investment flow, and control in cross-border cooperation: Strategic Management Journal, 29, 1117-1125 Lupton, N.C., Beamish, P. W., (2009), Managing Joint Ventures, accessed on 24th January from https://aom.org/uploadedFiles/Publications/AMP/May09ManagingJointVenturesbyBeamish.pdf

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Journey To Hell Essays - Contemporary Christian Music, David Meece

Journey To Hell awoke in a daze. Everything beyond the end of my nose was a total blur. I shook my head to clear my vision. An object began to focus less than ten yards away. The silhouette was almost like a person but too beastly to be human. Do my eyes deceive me? What is this place? Where am I? What's going on? You are in hell, because you have sinned, a voice boomed out of nowhere. Who was this person and what is he talking about? He continued, you were murdered a few hours ago. Look at yourself, you're covered in blood. See the bullet holes? I looked down and tried to scream only in vain because I had lost my voice. Don't worry about your voice, Minos boomed, it'll be back in good time. But until then I need to find a suitable punishment for you. I need not go into why I was in hell because I know why I'm here and that's all that matters. Well, while I'm thinking I'll let you experience two different levels of hell. You will have twenty-four hours to wander free and at the end of that time you will be sentenced. Well I didn't see myself having any other viable options. So I nodded my head, and Minos directed me towards a series of doors. All of these doors were unique in their own way. I saw some that were well decorated and others that looked like they came from the bottom of hell. But one door stood out over all the others. It appeared to be a set of elevator doors. This intrigued me most immensely. So I approached them with a bit of caution. I pushed the down button, as there was no up button. I assumed that this would be standard seeing as how I am in hell and I don't imagine that I'm going up from here. Immediately the elevator doors opened. I heard the sound of wandering music pouring from the elevator doors and I stepped in. The music was soothing at first then all of a sudden I hear another deep voice going .... down? This scared me, seconds later the floor beneath my feet disappeared. I began a free fall. As I was falling all of a sudden I began to scream. My voice was back! Splash! I landed in a huge pool of a gruesome liquid. It was thick, and was in it up past my knees and my entire body was soaked . I picked my hand up and after close analysis realized it was a huge pool of blood that I was laying in. I looked around and this whole place seemed so desolate. I thought I could see some light on the horizon. So I headed towards this place. As I walked the temperature grew colder and colder. I began to shiver and I could see my breath. I could feel my muscles beginning to atrophy. I finally saw a group of people. As I got there I fell into their arms. I looked around and I saw several familiar faces. I recognized two of them distinctly. One was the leader of the Heaven's Gate cult, and the other was Charles Manson. I asked Charlie, what's going on here? Who is in this level of hell? This level is full of sociopaths, such as David Koresh and Jim Jones and we have Ted Kazinski and all people of that sort, explained Charlie. Wow what are all those people doing here? I exclaimed. Well in this level of hell, he explained, we are forced to wade through pools of the blood of all the people we killed. And eventually this place will fill up and we will perpetually drown in pools of blood. Every 100,000 years all the blood is drained and we start over. Eeek, I don't like the sounds of that. Well do any of you interact socially with each other on this level, I enquired. No actually we try not to socially interact as much as possible because we have such differing beliefs that we would try and kill each other, he replied. Can you actually kill someone who is already dead? It seems like

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

buy custom California Politics essay

buy custom California Politics essay Governing the country is an extremely responsible process that comprises not only numerous rights and privileges, but also a broad spectrum of obligations. The need to balance between these two edges and to meet all the expectations of the population at the same time is one of the most complicated tasks that governors encounter. Relishing their high position, they often forget about primary purpose for which people elect them, which often serves as the ground for the majority of political crises in the world as it provokes distrust and, thus, the desire to control the government and influence the decisions making process. The discordance of thoughts and interests results in the governments inability of assessing the situation objectively and reacting the significant challenges appropriately. The paper aims at analyzing the crisis of California politics from the point of both modern aspects and the historical legacy that are crucial precursors for the current situation. Five Elements of the California Politics Crisis The phrase California Dream becomes the symbol of the state and implies the prosperity and happiness. However, there are a lot of significant problems in California despite the evident progress regarding certain number of issues. The legislative paradoxes are the biggest challenge the states government dealth with in the latest years. Thus, one can underline the five elements of Californias crisis: two-thirds requirement for changing the taxes, safe-seat reapportionment, terms limits, the absence of the unanimity on significant issues, and an easy way for passing the initiatives (Anagnoson et.al. 4). Legislative paradox related to budget and level of taxes is the most crucial issue in both political and economic concerns. In order to make the passing of the budget easier voters replaced the requirement of two-third votes on fifty percents and one. However, the previous two-third requirement remains actual for changing the level of taxes. Taking into account that the budget is inextricably connected with the taxes, nobody can balance it without appropriate correlatin of the tax rate. The governors could solve this problem rather easily and quickly, if they reached consensus and avoided not use these legislative differences as the instrument for speculating on interests of separate groups. This second element of crisis is the main barrier for making progress because individual interests often ignore the common needs or even harm them, thus obstructing progressive changes. It should be mentioned that the process of lobbying the group ideas is rarely aimed at general prosperity but has rather opposite results. Progressive movement implemented the simplified process of both passing the initiatives as the democracy measure and increasing the level of public involvement in the countrys affairs. However, this initially good intention frequently transforms into substantial ground for abuses and realizing selfish ambitions. Term limits set for preventing the governors abuses with their positions became another precursor for the crisis. The limitation of the severest terms did not reduce the governors raising the funds for next campaign but, vice verse, strengthened it. Appart from that , the level of governments competence decreased because of the new less experienced members, which obviously had the influence on the quality of the legislative decision. That is why the voters trustfully changed this norm in 2012. The Safe-seat reapportionment is the fifth element of the California crisis that also does not allow the state to move towards the progressive changes. This legislative norm creates an opportunity for representatives who failed to meet voters expectations to stay in the government again and again only winning the 10 percent margin. There were the attempts to change this situation in 2008, but, they had poor effect. A few more ideas were proposed in order to deal with the five most significant issues. Besides the above mentioned realized measures, the following suggestions were made: the lowering of the required majority for changing tax rates, the restriction of the process of passing the initiatives and amending the constitution, instituting the puublic financing and decentralizing (Anagnoson et.al. 7). However, they also raise a lot of controversies concerning their enacting. The Progressive Movement California politics history is characterized by the long period of citizens distrust of the government that continued to become deeper each year. In order to reduce the social tension, the urgent need for changes appeared in society. At that time, the leaders of the Progressive movement created the set of reforms that became a turning points in the history of California. There were a lot of social, economic and political precursors for the situation which led to the transformations initiated by The Progressive movement. Thus, the roots of the movement are hidden in the need to resist the business influence on the politics and prosecute the corrupted politicians. These issues has always existed in California and became even acuter after the Civil War due to rapid industrialization. Funds concentrated in the hands of corporations provided them with the wealthy and new ways of influencing the government based on the monopoly. Hence, coping with these social and political phenomena and making the government more responsive to the social needs were the primary goals of the Progressive Movement. The set of reforms consisted of nonpartisanship, primary elections, block office ballot and direct democracy norms (Anagnoson et.al. 22). According to them the label of the party was not affixed to the name of candidates in the elections ballot. The party chose its representatives for the further election on the primary one. The block ballot that California uses today was also one of the norms The Progressive had passed. However, the last set of norms, known as direct democracy, had the biggest impact on the ways in which California politics are operating today. Thus, the opportunity of passing the initiatives and instruments of direct actions for voters, such as referendum and recall were the most decisive measures that had the long-term effect on the political and economic life of California. Buy custom California Politics essay

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Amygdalas Location and Function

Amygdala's Location and Function The amygdala is an almond-shaped mass of nuclei (mass of cells) located deep within the temporal lobes of the brain. There are two amygdalae, one situated in each brain hemisphere. The amygdala is a limbic system structure that is involved in many of our emotions and motivations, particularly those that are related to survival. It is involved in the processing of emotions such as fear, anger, and pleasure. The amygdala is also responsible for determining what memories are stored and where the memories are stored in the brain. It is thought that this determination is based on how huge an emotional response an event evokes. Amygdala and Fear The amygdala is involved in autonomic responses associated with fear and hormonal secretions. Scientific studies of the amygdala have led to the discovery of the location of neurons in the amygdala that are responsible for fear conditioning. Fear conditioning is an associative learning process by which we learn through repeated experiences to fear something. Our experiences can cause brain circuits to change and form new memories. For example, when we hear an unpleasant sound, the amygdala heightens our perception of the sound. This heightened perception is deemed distressing and memories are formed associating the sound with unpleasantness. If the noise startles us, we have an automatic flight or fight response. This response involves the activation of the sympathetic division of the peripheral nervous system. Activation of the nerves of the sympathetic division results in accelerated heart rate, dilated pupils, increase in metabolic rate, and increase in blood flow to the muscles. This activity is coordinated by the amygdala and allows us to respond appropriately to danger. Anatomy The amygdala is composed of a large cluster of around 13 nuclei. These nuclei are subdivided into smaller complexes. The basolateral complex is the largest of these subdivisions and is composed of the lateral nucleus, basolateral nucleus, and accessory basal nucleus. This nuclei complex has connections with the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and hippocampus. Information from the olfactory system is received by two separate groups of amygdaloid nuclei, the cortical nuclei, and medial nucleus. Nuclei of the amygdala also make connections with the  hypothalamus and brainstem. The hypothalamus is involved in emotional responses and helps to regulate the endocrine system. The brainstem relays information between the cerebrum and spinal cord. Connections to these areas of the brain allow amygdaloid nuclei to process information from sensory areas (cortex and thalamus) and areas associated with behavior and autonomic function (hypothalamus and brainstem). Function The amygdala is involved in several functions of the body including: ArousalAutonomic responses associated with fearEmotional responsesHormonal secretionsMemory Sensory Information The amygdala receives sensory information from the thalamus and from the cerebral cortex. The thalamus is also a limbic system structure and it connects areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in sensory perception and movement with other parts of the brain and spinal cord that also have a role in sensation and movement. The cerebral cortex processes sensory information obtained from vision, hearing, and other senses and is involved in decision-making, problem-solving, and planning. Location Directionally, the amygdala is located deep within the temporal lobes, medial to the hypothalamus and adjacent to the hippocampus. Amygdala Disorders Hyperactivity of the amygdala or having one amygdala that is smaller than the other has been associated with fear and anxiety disorders. Fear is an emotional and physical response to danger. Anxiety is a psychological response to something that is perceived as dangerous. Anxiety can lead to panic attacks that occur when the amygdala sends signals that a person is in danger, even when there is no real threat. Anxiety disorders that are associated with the amygdala include Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and social anxiety disorder. Sources Sah, P., Faber, E., Lopez De Armentia, L., Power, J. (2003). The Amygdaloid Complex: Anatomy and Physiology. Physiological Reviews, 83(3), 803-834. doi:10.1152/physrev.00002.2003

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Human resource management (Case study) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human resource management (Case study) - Essay Example It defines the organisation’s behaviour and how it tries to cope with its environment.† More precisely, the MBA Tutorials (2010) defines SHRM as â€Å"the linking of human resources with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational culture that foster innovation and competitive advantage† (par. 1). The key features of SHRM were identified as: (1) some organizing strategies or schemes link individual human resource interventions so that they are ‘mutually supportive’; (2) a great amount of responsibility is transferred down the line for the management of HR; and (3) there is a precise link between overall organization strategy, organization environment, HR policies and practices† (MBA Tutorials, 2010, par. 3) In this regard, the Talent Management at Standard Chartered Bank displays features of SHRM in terms of manifesting the presence of strategies that show â€Å"emphasis on people that has seen HR issues ascend the corporate agenda, with the bank’s declared goal of measurably increasing its leadership capacity by 2011† (Case facts, 2). ... .to introduce certain global standards and tools, (and) to give managers some freedom to decide locally how best to use them† (Case facts, 3).   1.2 Comment on the relevance of this approach in the light of the recent banking crisis? The Talent Management program that is consistent with the SHRM approach is appropriately significant in the light of the recent banking crisis due to its ability to gauge performance of personnel and bank branches regardless of their assigned locations; it has the ability to generate and integrate performance of employees on a global scale. In this regard, the effect of changes in the external environment could immediately be measured in terms of repercussive effects on bank branches worldwide and on how creative managers and respective personnel are in responding to the external pressures. The Talent Management Program of Standard Chartered manifests acknowledged the important roles and functions of HRM opting to implement SHRM in adapting to di verse factors from the external environment and adjusting to the demands of the times. Its ability to assess its effectiveness evolves into encompassing areas of employee development (employee behavior, attitudes and skills), competencies, performance, as these attributes all contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. As Cabrera & Cabrera averred, â€Å"no longer are operational measures of internal efficiency sufficient. HR departments must be able to demonstrate the value of their strategic contributions† (2003, 3) which are most applicable especially during the financial crisis. 1.3 Why is it important to measure the impact of SHRM? What might be included in an evaluation strategy to measure the impact of SHRM in

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Teaching Styles & Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Teaching Styles & Technology - Essay Example Because teaching and learning are at best semi-structured activities, neither is conducive to automation. Yet certain aspects of instruction, particularly the delivery of information characteristics or teaching styles are prone to automation. Information classroom technologies facilitate student access to information to improve the availability or reality of learning materials. In contrast to automated classrooms that improve the efficiency of information delivery, the goal here is to make new, qualitatively better information available that would otherwise not be. Learning networks, hypermedia, simulations, and virtual reality are information classroom technologies. While IT infrastructure developments represent attempts to provide technology tools to improve the teaching and/or learning processes, they are often undertaken without a thorough assessment of the learning gains desired or even possible. For instance, high expectations without clear objectives and realistic goals may lead to the development of state-of-the-art facilities, at once impressive yet intimidating, replete with potential yet lacking clear guidelines on how to use the technology to achieve learning improvements. Learning models are often classifie... The primary competing cognitive model is constructivism. The objectivist model of learning is based on Skinner's stimulus-response theory: learning is a change in the behavioral disposition of an organism (Jonassen, 1993) that can be shaped by selective reinforcement. The tenet of the model is that there is an objective reality and that the goal of learning is to understand this reality and modify behavior accordingly (Jonassen, 1993). The goal of teaching is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from the expert to the learner. Errors in understanding are the result of imperfect or incomplete knowledge transfer. The model makes several pedagogical assumptions regarding learning and instruction. In terms of learning, the first assumption is that there exists a reality that is agreed upon by individuals. Second, this reality can be represented and transferred to a learner. Third, the purpose of the mind is to act as a mirror of reality rather than as an interpreter of reality (Jonassen, 1993). Fourth, all: learners use essentially the same processes for representing and understanding the world. In terms of instruction, the objectivist model assumes that the goal of teaching is to efficiently transmit knowledge from the expert to the learner. Instructors structure reality into abstract or generalized representations that can be transferred and then recalled by students (Yarusso, 1992). The objectivist model may be the most appropriate model in some contexts--for example, in factual or procedural-based learning. However, models challenging objectivism have emerged. The most widely accepted alternate model is

Friday, January 24, 2020

Review of Far from the Madding Crowd :: Thomas Hardy Far from the Madding Crowd Essays

Review of Far from the Madding Crowd At the start of the story, we are told by Liddy that Boldwood "took her and put her to school and got her a place here with your uncle." And that "he's a very kind man." With this, we can see that Boldwood is regarded highly in the eyes of the country folk. However, when he fell for Bathsheba, he became an emotional wreck and his hay ricks ruined as he didn't collect them in before the storm. By doing this, he is shirking his responsibilities. As Gabriel said, "A few months earlier Boldwood's forgetting his husbandry would have been as preposterous as a sailor forgetting he was in a ship." Boldwood forgetting his hay ricks was a huge clue to how much Bathsheba's marriage had affected him. At the end of the story, he tried to take his own life and was only stopped by his worker Sam. Compared to the dignified and respected Boldwood we saw at the start of the novel, this is a drastic change. Similarly, Troyshirks his responsibilities and drags the rest of the workers down with him as well by practically forcing them to drink. He tells them that "If any of the men show the white feather, let them look else where for a winter's work." By saying this, the men had been left with no choice but to do what he told them to. He shows contempt towards Gabriel's suggestion that the hay ricks should be covered in order to protect them from the rain. In the end Gabriel had to do it all by himself as the workers had been too drunk to work. "He saw at once that if the ricks were to be saved that night, or even the nest morning, he would have to save them with his own hands." The author has shown a contrast in the attitudes if Frank Troy and Gabriel Oak. Clearly, Troydid the worker's harm more than good. Therefore, their working relationship with the workers show their worth or lack of worth. Also, the author makes it clear that the workers are not to blame in this matter as they had been suitably apologetic and embarrassed the day after. "the others shambled after with a conscience stricken air." Move plot along. At many points of the story, the major characters find out many things that have affected the way the story has been played out from the minor characters. Therefore, although these characters are 'minor', and never actually gets much attention from the reader in the story, they are always somewhere in the background Thomas Hardy has painted

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Effective Study Skills Are the Sole Foundation of a Sound Essay

Effective study skills are definitely an important factor of a sound education. They don’t happen overnight. They â€Å"evolve and mature through practice, trial and error, feedback from others and reflection through different stages of the course† (Cottrell,S.2008. pg1) Working on effective study skills means the individual will find out what works best. Basically â€Å"learning how to learn† (Cottrell,S. 2008. pg 48). There are many different ways in which individuals learn, for e.g. ‘conscious learning’ – when the individual is aware they are learning (Cottrell,S. 2008. pg 48). ‘Unconscious learning’ – when the individual is unaware that it is happening but it may become conscious learning when they just know something and then wonder, how did I know that (Cottrell,S. 2008. pg 48). Each person has 3 different learning styles which affect their lives. Some people learn better using visual learning such as looking at pictures or diagrams. Other people are auditory learners i.e. listening to recordings. Then there are people who are kinaesthetic or tactile learners, they like to touch and play with things. (Wyman,P. 2011). By testing all these types of learning people will see what they find easiest to use and then be able to adapt it to their studies. Effective study skills could definitely be described as the sole foundation of a sound education when doing independent learning. A learner would acquire knowledge by his or her own efforts, therefore good study skills are vital (Meena. 2012). This comes into effect on a distance learning course i.e. foot health diploma. Having the choice of when and where studying takes place, means being disciplined enough to dedicate the time to it. In essence the individual is teaching themselves. To really succeed in a chosen subject doing something with genuine enthusiasm is most important otherwise individuals could just lose interest.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Importance Of Team Working And The Keys For Successful...

Teamwork plays one of the most important roles to succeed in any industry field. To achieve a goal, team members are required to work with the other members cooperatively. Speaking of food business, especially kitchen environment, it is of great significance. The purpose of this paper is to address the importance of team working and the keys for successful teamwork in the kitchen. A discussion of the kitchen environment and the writer’s actual experiences are presented, followed by the concept of teamwork in the kitchen and several keys to successful teamwork. Teamwork is necessary to develop and maintain the group commitment, focus and strength (Steve Sala 1995). In the kitchen, there are a lot of tasks, which are divided into each parson. This is called a Partie system. To manage this environment that can be a chaos easily, every member of the team has to have a notion of ‘team player’ and to understand that they are given a ‘responsibility for key tasks which help meet the company’s aim of serving the customers’ (Steve Sala 1995). As Keith Hughey (2009) says that ‘â€Å"Chef† means â€Å"chief† and as chiefs the four must pick their staff, define and clearly share their vision of what they wanted to create’, understanding and heading toward same goal lead to successfully completing objective. According to Steve Sala (1995), teamwork is used in order to improve productivity and manage performance to increase the level of it. Also it increases in task discretion and jobShow Mo reRelatedImportance of Teamwork in the Kitchen Essay1118 Words   |  5 PagesImportance of Teamwork In the Kitchen Teamwork in the kitchen is a basic requirement as it is the main key of successful performance for anyone who is, going to or will join this most important department of hospitality. The purpose of this essay is to explain the concept of teamwork and how it applies to kitchen environment. Also, examples of personal experience of teamwork in class are provided to illustrate its effectiveness as a way to achieve common goals. 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