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Friday, January 24, 2020

Review of Far from the Madding Crowd :: Thomas Hardy Far from the Madding Crowd Essays

Review of Far from the Madding Crowd At the start of the story, we are told by Liddy that Boldwood "took her and put her to school and got her a place here with your uncle." And that "he's a very kind man." With this, we can see that Boldwood is regarded highly in the eyes of the country folk. However, when he fell for Bathsheba, he became an emotional wreck and his hay ricks ruined as he didn't collect them in before the storm. By doing this, he is shirking his responsibilities. As Gabriel said, "A few months earlier Boldwood's forgetting his husbandry would have been as preposterous as a sailor forgetting he was in a ship." Boldwood forgetting his hay ricks was a huge clue to how much Bathsheba's marriage had affected him. At the end of the story, he tried to take his own life and was only stopped by his worker Sam. Compared to the dignified and respected Boldwood we saw at the start of the novel, this is a drastic change. Similarly, Troyshirks his responsibilities and drags the rest of the workers down with him as well by practically forcing them to drink. He tells them that "If any of the men show the white feather, let them look else where for a winter's work." By saying this, the men had been left with no choice but to do what he told them to. He shows contempt towards Gabriel's suggestion that the hay ricks should be covered in order to protect them from the rain. In the end Gabriel had to do it all by himself as the workers had been too drunk to work. "He saw at once that if the ricks were to be saved that night, or even the nest morning, he would have to save them with his own hands." The author has shown a contrast in the attitudes if Frank Troy and Gabriel Oak. Clearly, Troydid the worker's harm more than good. Therefore, their working relationship with the workers show their worth or lack of worth. Also, the author makes it clear that the workers are not to blame in this matter as they had been suitably apologetic and embarrassed the day after. "the others shambled after with a conscience stricken air." Move plot along. At many points of the story, the major characters find out many things that have affected the way the story has been played out from the minor characters. Therefore, although these characters are 'minor', and never actually gets much attention from the reader in the story, they are always somewhere in the background Thomas Hardy has painted

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Effective Study Skills Are the Sole Foundation of a Sound Essay

Effective study skills are definitely an important factor of a sound education. They don’t happen overnight. They â€Å"evolve and mature through practice, trial and error, feedback from others and reflection through different stages of the course† (Cottrell,S.2008. pg1) Working on effective study skills means the individual will find out what works best. Basically â€Å"learning how to learn† (Cottrell,S. 2008. pg 48). There are many different ways in which individuals learn, for e.g. ‘conscious learning’ – when the individual is aware they are learning (Cottrell,S. 2008. pg 48). ‘Unconscious learning’ – when the individual is unaware that it is happening but it may become conscious learning when they just know something and then wonder, how did I know that (Cottrell,S. 2008. pg 48). Each person has 3 different learning styles which affect their lives. Some people learn better using visual learning such as looking at pictures or diagrams. Other people are auditory learners i.e. listening to recordings. Then there are people who are kinaesthetic or tactile learners, they like to touch and play with things. (Wyman,P. 2011). By testing all these types of learning people will see what they find easiest to use and then be able to adapt it to their studies. Effective study skills could definitely be described as the sole foundation of a sound education when doing independent learning. A learner would acquire knowledge by his or her own efforts, therefore good study skills are vital (Meena. 2012). This comes into effect on a distance learning course i.e. foot health diploma. Having the choice of when and where studying takes place, means being disciplined enough to dedicate the time to it. In essence the individual is teaching themselves. To really succeed in a chosen subject doing something with genuine enthusiasm is most important otherwise individuals could just lose interest.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Importance Of Team Working And The Keys For Successful...

Teamwork plays one of the most important roles to succeed in any industry field. To achieve a goal, team members are required to work with the other members cooperatively. Speaking of food business, especially kitchen environment, it is of great significance. The purpose of this paper is to address the importance of team working and the keys for successful teamwork in the kitchen. A discussion of the kitchen environment and the writer’s actual experiences are presented, followed by the concept of teamwork in the kitchen and several keys to successful teamwork. Teamwork is necessary to develop and maintain the group commitment, focus and strength (Steve Sala 1995). In the kitchen, there are a lot of tasks, which are divided into each parson. This is called a Partie system. To manage this environment that can be a chaos easily, every member of the team has to have a notion of ‘team player’ and to understand that they are given a ‘responsibility for key tasks which help meet the company’s aim of serving the customers’ (Steve Sala 1995). As Keith Hughey (2009) says that ‘â€Å"Chef† means â€Å"chief† and as chiefs the four must pick their staff, define and clearly share their vision of what they wanted to create’, understanding and heading toward same goal lead to successfully completing objective. According to Steve Sala (1995), teamwork is used in order to improve productivity and manage performance to increase the level of it. Also it increases in task discretion and jobShow Mo reRelatedImportance of Teamwork in the Kitchen Essay1118 Words   |  5 PagesImportance of Teamwork In the Kitchen Teamwork in the kitchen is a basic requirement as it is the main key of successful performance for anyone who is, going to or will join this most important department of hospitality. The purpose of this essay is to explain the concept of teamwork and how it applies to kitchen environment. Also, examples of personal experience of teamwork in class are provided to illustrate its effectiveness as a way to achieve common goals. 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