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Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Concerns of Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Concerns of Economics - Assignment Example The household sector includes all the people who seek to satisfy their needs and wants. They are concerned with consumption and productive resources. The business sector comprises of institutions like corporations, proprietorships and partnerships. These institutions are concerned with combining resources to make goods and services. Their major role is production. The government sector has the ruling bodies of local, federal and state governments. The government plays a vital role in regulation through collection of taxes, passing of laws, and forcing other sectors to do their work. The government also buys domestic products as their purchases. Additionally the foreign sector is a combination of everything and everyone; governments, households and businesses beyond the domestic boundaries. Its function is to buy exports and produce imports which are calculated as net exports. A production possibility model is a curve used to analyze alternative combinations of goods that can be produced by an economy within a given time period and with existing technology and resources at that time (AmosWEB LLC, 2013). Production possibility models are an insight into the basics of economics. For the curve presented above the goods are storage shed and crab puffs. A production possibility analysis is undertaken because it answers the â€Å"what† question in resource allocation as scarcity commands that the community has to choose from various goods to produce. It introduces graphical analysis which is essential in interpreting terms like opportunity cost and unemployment. A possibility model illustrates basic concepts in economics. However, this model assumes that resources and technology are fixed. It does not provide information on desirability and satisfaction of the goods. This is not good for the economy as it might produce a good that is not wanted. The grea test level of consumer satisfaction can not be determined. Countries trade because they have different

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pro and Cons for Electric Car Essay Example for Free

Pro and Cons for Electric Car Essay Out of the many different kind of cars on the road today, one car stands above the rest. With its zero emissions and sleek design, the General Mortars EV 1 was unstoppable. This car runs entirely without gas or oil of any kind. It runs only on electric power which makes it very eco-friendly. This car was the answer to the smog problem in California and would soon be able to help stop global warming and more of our planets environmental issues. So, why are there none of these cars on the road today? Who made sure that none of these EV 1’s where ever mass produced. Who killed the electric car? This act did not go unnoticed by the public. Consumers were outraged by the recalling of the EV1’s. They wanted to know why someone would get rid of a car that would help out the environment and would make things better for future generations. Someone is to blame for killing the electric car, but whom? Was it the big oil companies and their fear of losing money? Could it be the battery technology in the EV1’s that was faulty? Maybe it was the CARB (California Resources Board) who did not want to support the project. Or was it the consumers themselves who would not accept the idea of a seemingly unreliable car? Chris Pine, the director of the documentary, â€Å"Who Killed the Electric Car? † says that all these factors are to blame. But, there could only be one who could take the name of Car Killer. The car companies are the biggest suspect in killing the electric car. General Motors was the car company that started the EV1 project. They started leasing them publicly in 1997. All 660 that were available for lease, got leased. Then in 2000, tragedy struck as all EV1’s were recalled and the plant was closed down. In 2003 GM officially closed down the entire EV1 project despite the long waiting lists and positive feedback from EV1 drivers. Why would the company that started the project in the first place, decide to shut in down without even 20 years of usage? General Motors said that the reason for pulling the plug of the EV1 was the fact that no consumer was willing to drive a car that you have to charge every hundred miles or so (CBC News). But, since there was a huge demand for the EV1’s in California, I think that is not the only reason. I think the car companies were afraid to lose money from the EV1’s good sales. They wanted to make sure that no other car would sell better than theirs. My opinion that the car companies killed the electric car but, other people see it differently. With a problem this big, maybe many factors are to blame. The consumers themselves need to take some of the blame; many did not like the idea of a car that runs of batteries. In this fast paced world we live in, they though the car would be unreliable. The batteries that run the EV1 are lead acid batteries that would only last 100 miles or so. The consumers wanted a better battery and if there were electric cars all over the world, the oil companies would lose a lot of their profit. Whatever the cause may be, the death of the EV1 will no doubt have a huge impact on the future. Until someone else comes up with a better model of an electric car, the planet will still suffer from global warming. In the future I think we will see more electric cars starting to make it father than the EV1.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Solvent Extraction of Eu(III) from Nitrate Media

Solvent Extraction of Eu(III) from Nitrate Media Non fluorinated ionic liquid was used as a solvent of by bis (2-ethylhexyl)diglycolamic acid (DEHDGA) to investigate the extraction of Europium (III) various parameters: extractant concentration, pH, concentration of the salting-out agent and concentration of the europium(III) ion in the aqueous feed. The efficiency of extraction was enhanced by increasing the pH of the feed solution (aqueous) upto its maxium range pH 5, that subsequently decrease at high pH values [1]. Room temperature ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([C4mim+][PF6−]) was applied for the extraction of Eu3+ Th4+ from nitrate medium using tri-n-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO) as an extractant the results were compared with extraction method of dichloro methane. Both methods involved solavation mechanism by forming [Eu(TOPO)33+](NO3−)3species. Another outcome was elucidated that the method also involve cation exchange mechanism by formation of [Th(TOPO)34+](NO3−)4 in dichloro methane, while Th4+ and Eu3+ not effected by presence of TOPO in ionic liquid method. So it can be concluded that formation of [Th(TOPO)4+](NO3−)(PF6−)3 invloves that mixed ion exchange –solvation mechanism for the extraction of Th4+ ion [2]. various substituted diglycol amide (DGA) solvent extractants: N,N,N†²N†²-tetra(2-ethylhexyl) diglycolamide (T2EHDGA); N,N,N†²N†²-tetra-n-octyl diglycolamide (TODGA); N,N,N†²N†²-tetra-n-hexyl diglycolamide (THDGA); N,N,N†²N†²-tetra-n-decyl diglycolamide (TDDGA) and N,N,N†²N†²-tetra-n-pentyl diglycolamide (TPDGA) for the investigation Eu3+ ion transport property in nitric acid solvent extraction and supported liquid membrance (SLM) methodology. Slope analysis method was utilized to determind the nature of extracted species. By using DGAs various parameters like effect of phase modifier assay on extraction of Eu 3+ ion and effect of feed acidity were investigated [3]. Alok Rout et al prepared the ionic liquids, tri-n-octylmethylammonium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate ([A336]+[DEHP]−) and tri-n-octylmethylammonium bis(2-ethylhexyl)diglycolamate ([A336]+[DGA]−) and characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The extraction behavior of europium (III) in the solution of these ionic liquids present in different molecular diluents was investigated using in variation of different parameters like pH, nature of diluent, concentration of ionic liquid. The data obtained were compared with those obtained in a solution composed of the precursors of ionic liquid. The extraction of europium (III) in [A336]+[DEHP]−and [A336]+[DGA]−ionic liquids showed a strong dependence on the nature of molecular diluent used. The distribution ratio of Eu(III) increased with increase of pH; at pH>2, the distribution ratios obtained in ionic liquids were much higher than their precursors. The effect of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) on the extraction of Am(III) and Eu(III) at a fixed pH was studied to separate europium (III) from americium (III). Superior extraction of the target metals and excellent separation factors achieved with the use of these ionic liquids in conventional diluents indicates the feasibility of separating lanthanides from actinides [4]. W. Wang et al. was studied the extraction of europium by using an anionic surfactant. The influence of concentration of anionic surfactant, extraction temperature, pH, concentration of co-surfactant, salting out agent and aqueous- microemulsion ratio on extraction yield were studied by using sodium oleate (NaOL)/pentanol/heptanes/NaCl system. The extraction yield (E%) was found above 99%, when the R=8, Probably Europium was extracted in form of Eu(OL)2Cl into the microemulsion phase. The back-extraction was performed by using hydrochloric acid (0.8mol/L), back extraction resulted the yields 95.15% [5]. Extraction equilibrium constants were investigated by using nonlinear least squares method and a chemically based model was also developed. In the suggested model the salvation extraction and cation exchange reaction occurs in high and low acidity regions respectively. The non-ideality of aqueous phase and (HR)2 were adjusted and corrected by complexation of metal with chloride ion and (HR)2 replacing by using efficient concentration. The model verified by finding the close results of calculated metal distribution ratios and experimental results. E. Makrlà ­k et al has been investigated the micro-quantity of europium and americium by using nitrobenzene solution of hydrogen dicarbollylcobaltate (H+B) in presence of 1,2-(diphenylphosphino)ethylene dioxide (DPPEDO, L). The values of stability constant of both complexes are comparable in water saturated nitrobenzene. Stability of the complexes HL+org and HL+2;org in nitrobenzene saturated with water increases in the series of DBDECMP DPPEDO DPBCMPO‘‘classical’’ CMPO, whereas the stability of the EuL3+n;org and AmL3+n;org (n = 2, 3, 4) complexes in the mentioned medium increases in the DBDECMPDPPEDODPBCMPO‘‘classical’’ CMPO order [7]. The extraction of Eu(III) was investigated by Awwadet al, from nitrate medium by CYANEX921 (C921). It was found that the chemical formula of the main extracted species in the organic phase is Eu(NO3)(3).3[C921] for extraction by C921. It was found that the Eu(III) percent extracted from toluene, n-hexane, cyclohexane and kerosene was nearly similar but with faster phase separation in favor of toluene. The relation between the shaking time and the percent of extracted C921 (%E) was studied at different pH. It was found that the best shaking time is 20 min at pH between 0.5-1.0, whereas at pH 2.0 the best shaking time is 15 min. The maximum extraction of Eu(III) was found to be after 5 min at pH 3.0. The extraction of Eu(III) increase with increasing of pH, however, the extraction precent increase from 28.5% at pH 0.5 to 98% at pH 3.0 The calculated average for the extraction constant is 6.58 at pH 3.0 under various C921 concentrations. From the data obtained, it was found that arsenaz oIII (AIII) is a good stripper for Eu from organic phase which reach to 65% at pH 2. The stripping of Eu decreased from 57% to 2% when rising the pH in range of 0.5 to 11 (10). Ohashi et al investigated the extraction of lanthanoids(III) (Ln(III) =, Eu(III) , La(III) and Lu(III) by using techniques cloud point extraction in presence and absence of di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid with triton X-100 and suggested that the extraction of Ln(III) into the surfactant-rich phase in absence of chelating agent was occurred due impurities existence in Triton X-100. The extraction yield was obtained more than 91% for all Ln(III) metals by using 3.0 x 10(-5) mol dm(-3) HDEHP and 2.0% (v/v) Triton X-100 (11). Solvent extraction of Eu(III) from nitrate media with 4-acyl-isoxazol-5-ones and 2-acyl-5-diluents has been studied by Jaoval Arichi. Due to competitive complication of Eu3+ by NO3 in the aqueous phase, the extraction from nitrate medium is less effective than from per chlorate medium [12] Synergic extraction of Eu (III), Tb (III), with 2-thenoyltrifluoroactone and tribenzyl amine as neutral donor from chloroform from per chlorate media at lower pH was reportedly M. M. Saeed et al. The effect of temperature on extraction has also been studied [13] F.A. Shehata investigated the synergic extraction of trivalent Eu, Gd and Am from aqueous per chlorate medium using mixtures of thenoyl trifluoroacetone (HTTA) and 15-Crown-5 or 18-Crown-6 in chloroform at (25  ± I) (slope analysis of the M (TTA)3. (CE)2 for extracted species. The stability order took the sequence Eu(TTA)3. (CE)2>GA(TTA)3. (CE)2 with 18C6 [14]. A. Ali suggested the synergic extraction of, Eu (III), Ce (III) and Tm (III) w ith a mixture of tributyl phosphine oxide Picrolonic acid in chloroform. Picrolonic acid acted as a chelating agent and tributyl phosphine as a metal legend in chloroform. Among the anions fluoride, oxalate citrate and cyanide ions masked the extraction, whereas Fe (II), Cu (II) and No(II) reduce the extraction [15]. Extraction of Eu (III) and Tm (III) with picrolonic acid in MIBK was investigated by A. Ali. The buffer solution of pH was used. The composition of organic addict responsible for extraction of these material ions have been calculated by slope analysis method. Among the anions, citrate, fluoride, oxalate and cyanide ions masked the extraction, when the, Cu(II), Ni(II), Fe(III) and Co(II) minimized the extraction. D.F. Peppard compared the liquid liquid extraction behaviour of Eu(II) and Eu(III) [16].

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Phony and Nice Worlds in Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut :: Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut Essays

Phony and Nice Worlds in Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut Salinger expresses his view of the world through his use of "phony" and "nice" worlds. Salinger uses the "phony" and "nice" worlds to express his pessimistic view of the world. Although "phony" and "nice" worlds exist in many of Salinger's stories, "Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut" is perhaps the best story to illustrate the difference between "phony" and "nice" worlds. "Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut" is one of the few stories which offers views of both "phony" and "nice" worlds in relatively few pages. The action of "Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut" takes place in the living room of the protagonist, Eloise. Eloise is reminiscing about her past with her friend Mary Jane. "Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut" is divided into three scenes. In the first scene, we see Eloise as she is; in the second, we learn what she has been in the past; in the third, we witness her sudden recognition of what has happened to her. The contrasting worlds are epitomized in the title of the story. Uncle Wiggly is a reference to children's stories about a whimsical rabbit. Connecticut is the chosen gathering place of the phony Madison Avenue exurbanites (French 22). The protagonist of "Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut", Eloise, has experienced both the "phony" and the "nice" worlds. The "phony" world is the world into which we have the best view because Eloise is essentially living in a "phony" world. Eloise is stranded in a loveless marriage and uses alcohol to drink away her sorrows. Eloise's husband, Lew, is one of the Madison Avenue exurbanites and is a stark contrast to Eloise's first husband. Eloise is very critical of Lew and everything that he does. The phoniness of Connecticut has transformed Eloise from the nice woman she was to the cruel, pessimistic woman she is now. Eloise realizes how far she has fallen near the end of the story. Eloise has scolded her daughter and chastised the maid when she reaches her epiphany. Eloise asks her friend "I was a nice girl, wasn't I" (Nine Stories 38). The "nice" world is now only a distant memory to Eloise. Eloise reflects happily about her time with her first husband, Walt. Walt was a GI, one of the Glass twins, and far from the egotistical Madison Avenue businessman (French 22). Eloise remarks that Walt was the only man who could make her laugh.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Crime and Criminal Justice: Dilemmas of Social Control Essay

Brief Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Over the years, the people and   the government seek to sustain the balance of power and the capability to maintain social order. The emergence of state policies in the executive, legislative, and judicial functions of government adhere to the people’s interest to uphold freedom and democracy through the protection of human rights and dignity and the preservation of a peaceful and prosperous society. This paper will discuss the parameters involved in determining and analyzing why and how the state policies are made and its significance to social control. Defining the Concepts   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Cochran, et.al, authors of American Public Policy: An Introduction, published in 2006, policy analysis is the interpretation and examination of underlying background and reasons behind the adoption and implementation of a particular policy. Further cited from the book, policy analysis is not value neutral but wants to discover the significance and importance to public values.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, based on the book, public policy is being enacted and implemented with purpose and intent. Moreover a public policy is given classifications according to purposes, types and goods. What is then referred to for the classification of a public policy is its relevance to moral and social values such as the application of the rule of law deterrent to crime and the enactment of punishment. However, public policy does not only empower a particular application on the rule of law that represent punishment on common crimes like burglary and theft, murder and homicide, sexual abuse, grave harassment, alarm and public scandal, among others, that are all being considered as neighborhood and street crimes. The Policy on Homeland Security   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The 9/11 US tragedy has brought about fear and insecurity to American people as they are the most vulnerable casualties of terrorist attacks. The continuing terrorist threats were determined by the US government as a clear and continuing danger to all Americans in general. Classification and Purpose of enacting the Homeland Security Act i) As Cochran, et.al pointed out, the classification of a public policy under the category or type on public security is determined by its broader scope in maintaining peace and order, adoption of the government’s security policy for the purpose of preventing internal and external threats to lives, properties and liberties of the majority of people and that, as a whole, representing the country itself. ii) For the purpose of protecting the lives and properties of American people, the US government enacted the Homeland Security Act as a national security policy that refers to responding on the urgency of US defense against adversary attack and a call for national emergency. Based on President George W. Bush’s statement addressing the American public on the enactment of the Homeland Security Act, homeland security must be a responsibility shared across the entire nation to further develop a national culture of preparedness. In addition he said that the United States’ local, Tribal, State, and Federal governments, faith-based and community organizations, and businesses must be partners in securing the homeland. Adoption of Homeland Security Act as a Public Policy President Bush’s statement on â€Å"shared responsibility† refers to the role of the American people and the US Federal government agencies to participate in civic affairs. The civic affairs is the response to national emergencies that does not only represent counter-terrorism but addressing the welfare and services. According to the 2007 US Strategy for Homeland Security, the front line role of the American public is not only to help in preventing terrorism but to respond in various natural and man-made emergencies, and the government to act on internal and external law enforcement. Based on the 2007 US Strategy for Homeland Security, it has enjoined the strictest law enforcement on crossing borders by scrutinizing the immigration of people and exportation of commodities to the US, and by empowering the capabilities of law enforcement through provision of modernized facilities. Also, the legislation of the Patriot Act and Protect America Act of 2007 has strengthened the US Judiciary to prosecute common criminals. Policy Evaluation The US Homeland Security Act is a policy that is being implemented with a broader scope. It can be noted that the enactment of the 2007 US Strategy for Homeland Security together with the Patriot Act and Protect America Act of 2007 have brought about strengthening of both national and international law enforcement. It is not only the national concern of the US government to countering terrorism but likewise to preventing the proliferation of common crimes in the homeland. Another perception that would best fit in evaluating the broadened scope of US Homeland Security Act implementation is its influencing and incorporating power to economic policies be it homeland and overseas. The sanction on law enforcement is likewise carried out at a global magnitude wherein policy on security through counter terrorism collaborates with international allied governments.       Works Cited â€Å"American Public Policy: An Introduction†. 2006. Cochran, Mayer, Carr and Cayer Thompson/Wadsworth Publishing, 8th Edition. ISBN: 0-534-60163-4. â€Å"National Strategy for Homeland Security†. October 2007. US Department of State.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Mistakes

Life is full of mistakes. Without them, no one would learn any important life lessons. My parent’s marriage was a mistake, and their divorce has had the greatest influence on me. I am the reason why my parents got married. They never planned on getting married, and they really did not plan on having children. When my mama found out that she was pregnant, they both thought the only option was to get married, and of course, because of the time period, that was the only option. I was born on July 19, 1983, the day that set the record that year for being the hottest (I would have taken that as a bad sign). My mama and daddy had just been married on May 22. After I was born, all hell broke loose. Looking back, I realize that my daddy was never around when we needed him. He was always working to support his ever-growing family, or he was always out with friends, as he called them. Daddy was dealing with so much stress, and I suppose he thought arguing and fighting with mama was a good stress reliever, because he always seemed to pick fights with mama. I would always take control of my brother and sister, making sure that they were safe and out of harm’s way. The hostility continued everyday, until October 2001, when my parents finally got divorced. Living with the fighting really affected me in a bad way. I learned to run away from things, instead of dealing with them. As I got older, I began to resent my daddy because of the pain he caused my mama, and presently, I have a horrible relationship with him. I have negative feelings about marriage, because I saw first hand how much pain two people can cause each other. One good outcome from the divorce is that I now know to be cautious when choosing someone to spend the rest of my life with. Mistakes happen all the time. If my parents had not have made the mistake of getting married, then I could very easily end up in the same situation as they were. My parent’s divor... Free Essays on Mistakes Free Essays on Mistakes Life is full of mistakes. Without them, no one would learn any important life lessons. My parent’s marriage was a mistake, and their divorce has had the greatest influence on me. I am the reason why my parents got married. They never planned on getting married, and they really did not plan on having children. When my mama found out that she was pregnant, they both thought the only option was to get married, and of course, because of the time period, that was the only option. I was born on July 19, 1983, the day that set the record that year for being the hottest (I would have taken that as a bad sign). My mama and daddy had just been married on May 22. After I was born, all hell broke loose. Looking back, I realize that my daddy was never around when we needed him. He was always working to support his ever-growing family, or he was always out with friends, as he called them. Daddy was dealing with so much stress, and I suppose he thought arguing and fighting with mama was a good stress reliever, because he always seemed to pick fights with mama. I would always take control of my brother and sister, making sure that they were safe and out of harm’s way. The hostility continued everyday, until October 2001, when my parents finally got divorced. Living with the fighting really affected me in a bad way. I learned to run away from things, instead of dealing with them. As I got older, I began to resent my daddy because of the pain he caused my mama, and presently, I have a horrible relationship with him. I have negative feelings about marriage, because I saw first hand how much pain two people can cause each other. One good outcome from the divorce is that I now know to be cautious when choosing someone to spend the rest of my life with. Mistakes happen all the time. If my parents had not have made the mistake of getting married, then I could very easily end up in the same situation as they were. My parent’s divor...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Japanese and Chinese Culture in America essays

Japanese and Chinese Culture in America essays Japanese and Chinese culture in America in the first half of the 20th century was that of a world within a world. Racial differences led these groups to take more time to develop their separate identities. In the case of Japanese Americans, we see a world that was steeped in the traditions of their rural past. All I Asking for Is My Body portrays life among lower middle class Hawaiian Japanese families in the 30's. It focuses on the problems of class and ethnic difference on the plantation where the characters live and work. In the opening story, the mother of the narrator is told to avoid chorimbo (bums) and hoitobo (beggars) who bring shame or "sickness" to those around them; this sets the tone of a novel where many of the main characters live by parochial rules that they attempt to maintain in a new and unique environment. These unspoken community rules can be exclusive; one family is ostracized because the mother is a prostitute and envied for her automobile and fancy clothes. Racial prejudices dictate the nature of interactions between the Japanese community and other groups of people on the island, such as the Fillipinos. Social politics among community members govern their actions; it becomes clear that the second generation, the Nisea, grows up in a world that is in many ways closed. There is a sense that any individual's faults or flaws is shared near-universally by the other members of his or her family. Few find the psychological resources to escape from the perceived sense of obligation that underscores their relationships. For instance, Kiyoshi's parents came to Hawai'i to help the Oyama patriarch out of bankruptcy, and ttheir sons eventually must help them out of debt. Toshio and Kiyoshi are pressured by the community's ideas to take thankless The idea of contamination' resonates strongly with the community; unconventional thinking and associa...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Characteristics of Ancient Monumental Architecture

Characteristics of Ancient Monumental Architecture The term monumental architecture refers to large humans include pyramids, large tombs, and burial mounds, plazas, platform mounds, temples and churches, palaces and elite residences, astronomical observatories, and erected groups of standing stones. The defining characteristics of monumental architecture are their relatively large size and their public nature- the fact that the structure or space was built by lots of people for lots of people to look at or share in the use of, whether the labor was coerced or consensual, and whether the interiors of the structures were open to the public or reserved for an elite few.   Who Built the First Monuments? Until the late 20th century, scholars believed that monumental architecture could only be constructed by complex societies with rulers who could conscript or otherwise convince the residents into working on large, non-functional structures. However, modern archaeological technology has given us access to the earliest levels of some of the most ancient tells in northern Mesopotamia and Anatolia, and there, scholars discovered something amazing: monumentally-sized cult buildings were constructed at least 12,000 years ago, by what started out as egalitarian hunters and gatherers. Before the discoveries in the northern Fertile Crescent, monumentality was considered costly signaling, a term that means something like elites using conspicuous consumption to demonstrate their power. Political or religious leaders had public buildings built to indicate that they had the power to do so: they certainly did that. But if hunter-gatherers, who ostensibly didnt have full-time leaders, built monumental structures, why did they that do that? Why Did They Do That? One possible driver for why people first started building special structures is climate change. Early Holocene hunter-gatherers living during the cool, arid period known as the Younger Dryas were susceptible to resource fluctuations. People rely on cooperative networks to get them through times of social or environmental stress. The most basic of these cooperative networks is food sharing. Early evidence for feasting- ritual food sharing- is at Hilazon Tachtit, about 12,000 years ago. As part of a highly organized food-sharing project, a large-scale feast can be a competitive event to advertise community power and prestige. That may have led to the construction of larger structures to accommodate larger numbers of people, and so forth. It is possible that the sharing simply stepped up when the climate deteriorated. Evidence for the use of monumental architecture as evidence for religion usually involves the presence of sacred objects or images on the wall. However, a  recent study by behavioral psychologistsYannick Joye and Siegfried Dewitte (listed in the sources below) has found that tall, large-scale buildings produce measurable feelings of awe in their viewers. When awe-struck, viewers typically experience momentary freezing or stillness. Freezing is one of the main stages of the defense cascade in humans and other animals, giving the awe-struck person a moment of hyper-vigilance toward the perceived threat. The Earliest Monumental Architecture The earliest known monumental architecture is dated to the periods in western Asia known as pre-pottery Neolithic A (abbreviated PPNA, dated between 10,000–8,500 calendar years BCE [cal BCE]) and PPNB ( 8,500–7,000 cal BCE). Hunter-gatherers living in communities such as Nevali Çori, Hallan Çemi, Jerf el-Ahmar, D’jade el-Mughara, Çayà ¶nà ¼ Tepesi, and Tel Abr all built communal structures (or public cult buildings) within their settlements. At Gà ¶bekli Tepe, in contrast, is the earliest monumental architecture located outside of a settlement- where it is hypothesized that several hunter-gatherer communities gathered regularly. Because of the pronounced ritual / symbolic elements at Gà ¶bekli Tepe, scholars such as Brian Hayden have suggested that the site contains evidence of emergent religious leadership. Tracing the Development of Monumental Architecture How cult structures might have evolved into monumental architecture has been documented at Hallan Çemi. Located in southeastern Turkey, Hallan Cemi is one of the oldest settlements in northern Mesopotamia. Cult structures significantly different from regular houses were constructed at Hallan Cemi about 12,000 years ago, and over time became larger and more elaborate in decoration and furniture. All of the cult buildings described below were located at the center of the settlement and arranged around a central open area about 15 m (50 ft) in diameter. That area contained dense animal bone and fire-cracked rock from hearths, plaster features (probably storage silos), and stone bowls and pestles. A row of three horned sheep skulls was also found, and this evidence together, say the excavators, indicates that the plaza itself was used for feasts, and perhaps rituals associated with them. Building Level 3 (the oldest): three C-shaped buildings made of river pebbles about 2 m (6.5 ft) in diameter and mortared with white plasterBuilding Level 2: three circular river-pebble buildings with paved floors, two 2 m in diameter and one 4 m (13 ft). The largest had a small plastered basin in the center.Building Level 1: four structures, all constructed of sandstone slabs rather than river pebbles. Two are relatively small (2.5 m, 8 ft in diameter), the other two are between 5-6 m (16-20 ft). Both of the larger structures are fully circular and semi-subterranean (excavated partly into the ground), each with a distinctive semicircular stone bench set against the wall. One had a complete auroch skull which apparently hung on the north wall facing the entrance. The floors had been resurfaced multiple times with a distinctive thin yellow sand and plaster mixture over a relatively sterile fine dirt fill. Few domestic materials were found inside the structures, but there were exotics, including copper ore and obsidian. Examples Not all monumental architecture was (or is for that matter) built for religious purposes. Some are gathering places: archaeologists consider plazas a form of monumental architecture since they are large open spaces built in the middle of town to be used by everyone. Some are purposeful- water control structures like dams, reservoirs, canal systems, and aqueducts. Sports arenas, government buildings, palaces, and churches: of course, many different large communal projects still exist in modern society, sometimes paid for by taxes. Some examples from across time and space include Stonehenge in the UK, the Egyptian Giza Pyramids, the Byzantine Hagia Sophia, the Qin Emperors Tomb, the American Archaic Poverty Point earthworks, Indias Taj Mahal, Maya water control systems, and the Chavin culture Chankillo observatory. Sources Atakuman, Çigdem. Architectural Discourse and Social Transformation During the Early Neolithic of Southeast Anatolia. Journal of World Prehistory 27.1 (2014): 1-42. Print. Bradley, Richard. Houses of Commons, Houses of Lords: Domestic Dwellings and Monumental Architecture in Prehistoric Europe. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 79 (2013): 1-17. Print. Finn, Jennifer. Gods, Kings, Men: Trilingual Inscriptions and Symbolic Visualizations in the Achaemenid Empire. Ars Orientalis 41 (2011): 219-75. Print. Freeland, Travis, et al. Automated Feature Extraction for Prospection and Analysis of Monumental Earthworks from Aerial Lidar in the Kingdom of Tonga. Journal of Archaeological Science 69 (2016): 64-74. Print. Joye, Yannick, and Siegfried Dewitte. Up Speeds You Down. Awe-Evoking Monumental Buildings Trigger Behavioral and Perceived Freezing. Journal of Environmental Psychology 47.Supplement C (2016): 112-25. Print. Joye, Yannick, and Jan Verpooten. An Exploration of the Functions of Religious Monumental Architecture from a Darwinian Perspective. Review of General Psychology 17.1 (2013): 53-68. Print. McMahon, Augusta. Space, Sound, and Light: Toward a Sensory Experience of Ancient Monumental Architecture. American Journal of Archaeology 117.2 (2013): 163-79. Print. Stek, Tesse D. Monumental Architecture of Non-Urban Cult Places in Roman Italy. A Companion to Roman Architecture. Eds. Ulrich, Roger B. and Caroline K. Quenemoen. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2014. 228-47. Print. Swenson, Edward. Moche Ceremonial Architecture as Thirdspace: The Politics of Place-Making in the Ancient Andes. Journal of Social Archaeology 12.1 (2012): 3-28. Print. Watkins, Trevor. New Light on Neolithic Revolution in South-West Asia. Antiquity 84.325 (2010): 621–34. Print.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Asian history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Asian history - Essay Example There are three meanings of Tao (Taoism) that Lao-tzu describes in is teachings and philosophical ideas. In the teachings of Taoism, the universe and everything in it follows a mysterious and unidentified force referred to as Tao which is translated plainly as â€Å"The way.† There are three meanings that assist in the understanding of the â€Å"way† described by Lao-tzu. The first meaning is that Tao refers to the ultimate reality in which its diversity cannot be conceived or understood by human nature. The Tao is not equal to anything, but this undefined and superior Tao is the basis for everything; moreover, it is a way that is above all in the universe and a mystery to human beings. In all the things of the world, Tao is definitely the greatest and its existence cannot be denied by anyone or anything. This concept for instance, perceives that Tao is only comparable to God from the Old Testament who is indescribable (Oldmeadow 96). The second meaning of Tao is that i t is definitely immanent in that it is the driving force for all existence and the way that people should follow. The Tao in this case clarifies that the being takes the form of â€Å"flesh† guidance to ever which gives guidance to everything in the world. It is like an intense spirit, assumes a complete being, defeats even the most glittering existences, and exists like dust or spirit. The Tao is like a sprit and not a substance that can be exhausted and it flows forever. The Taoism bible, Tao Te Ching indicates that everything is one regardless of the appearances. It gives life to all things and therefore, Tao is the Mother of the Universe that ensures the existence of everything in it. Smith gives an example that Tao is â€Å"Graceful rather than abrupt, flowing rather than hesitant†¦flows with purpose† (Oldmeadow 96). The third meaning of Tao describes it as the path of human life that is related to the ruler of the universe. This indicates that human beings l ive in accordance with the universe and therefore, living in Tao. In addition, it means finding a balance between negative and positive energies within the universe. Nature should not be damaged or abused but rather humans should strive to maintain naturalness in all things (Oldmeadow 96). The three approaches to Daoism are intellectual (Philosophical), Psycho-physical, and spiritual (religious). Philosophical Daoism is an approach that aims at conserving â€Å"te† or power with teachers focusing of coaching. This philosophical idea was generated by Laozi and Zhuangzi in a concept that focuses on the idea of â€Å"wu wei.† Wu Wei is a term that means Quite Creativity that advocates for preserving life liveliness by ensuring that one does not spend uselessly. The concept advocates for minimal friction or conflicts within interpersonal relationships and in relation to the natural world (Haldan 10). The psycho-physical Daoism approach is the essence of enhancing the level of â€Å"Ch’i† (breath or crucial energy) through proper diet (food and herbs), martial arts (discipline), and meditation (Yoga). Ch’i is increased by ensuring consumption of necessary supplements nutritionally. In addition, absorption of ch’i is achieved from the universe and allowing inner flow through efficient body movements. Physical exercises are necessary in Daoism through activities like Yoga to

Friday, October 18, 2019


BUSINESS MODEL INTERROGATION & DEVELOPMENT - Essay Example Therefore it is extremely important for managers to develop a sound business model as failing to do so would severely disrupt business operations (Hedman and Kalling, 2003). It is with regards to this fact that the researcher will be attempting to evaluate the business model of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC). Emphasis will be given the manner in which the managers in this company have integrated and developed the business model. The researcher will explain the company’s performance and strategies in the dimensions of product and capital market. Besides that focus will be laid on the organization’s product portfolio. This will allow the researcher to comment on the advantages and drawbacks of the business model implemented by Toyota Motor Corporation and what extent the internal organizational structure contributed to the business model. In that way the researcher will be able to make recommendations regarding any changes that need to be brought within the business model and the organizational structure. TMC is a Multinational Corporation based in Japan which is mainly engaged in manufacturing and distribution of automobiles. The organization operates in three business segments which are automobile production, house design and financial services (Toyota, 2015a). Toyota is presently the market leader in the automobile industry. The company has achieved this stature by selling cars, minivans and trucks as a part of its business in the automobile segment (Thomson Reuters, 2015). Toyota’s business model is based on two fundamental strong frameworks: Kaizen and the lean production system (also referred to as the Toyota Production system). Kaizen means incessant improvements that are to be bought in the quality of products. The managers of Toyota believe in working their way towards innovation in order to develop processes that are aimed towards continuous product development and improvement. Kaizen is an integrated strategy which

Learning & Professional Practice assignment‏ Essay

Learning & Professional Practice assignment† - Essay Example This paper provides some discussions on the various aspects of learning that are important in understanding how human beings are as learners. Specifically, it explains how people learn as discussed mostly in the view of educational psychology, the methods used to further a person’s learning progress, the way learners responds in different learning environment, and how human beings develop what they learned into a higher level of thinking. People tend to have a general notion that learning usually transpires within the domains of formal educational institutions such as schools and universities. Although most of the knowledge that individuals accumulated over time have been a result of formal training and discourse, it is undeniable that the process of learning is an unending and inevitable phenomenon which happens in any other venues besides formal institutions. As Salmon (1980) puts it, learning also occurs outside schools and universities – that is, within the comforts of the home, the workplace, or any place where we can communicate and socialize with other people. Apparently, this is particularly true with a person’s early childhood learning experiences and equally true with his/her continual learning endeavors after bidding farewells to the academic world on his/her graduation day. In the early childhood years, human beings started to learn through the aid of speech and language which are usually accompanied by effective nonverbal gestures. From reciting nursery rhymes, they stepped up to writing our own essays and poems. From counting one to ten, they moved to memorizing the multiplication table and solving even more complex problems on accounting or mathematical economics. Eventually, they became capable to manage the financial aspects of a business. From learning the rules of a game, they became able to set our own rules or even devise a new game. I have to agree with Cam (1995) that the manifestations of

Four hours in my lai Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Four hours in my lai - Essay Example This is because the U.S military taking refuge in one of the Vietnamese villages was waiting for an encounter that would allow them to use their trainings and protection mechanism for the war. However, this opportunity did not come easily thus, they decided to try the attack towards Vietnamese groups. My Lai Massacre happened in the morning of March 16, 1968 which was one of the bloodiest and vicious mass killings in history(Michael & Kevin,102). This Massacre was characterized by the killing spree done in the hamlets in South Vietnam by the U.S. military troupes by the use of bombs and blasting that killed not only men and women, but also innocent children and even animals (Bilton & Sim, 1992). The massacre death toll reached approximately 500 plus people. Though the massacre called for attention, the soldiers involved in the massacre, 26 of them to be exact, one of whom is Lt. William Calley has managed to reduce the buzz from the eventful date. However, during the fall of the year 1969, media was able to open the eyes of the world and bring them to the real tragedy and demonstration of abuse of power by the U.S. military in the My Lai massacre that led to the imprisonment of those involved. The Cleveland Plain Dealer spearheaded in breaking the story to the public where an army photographer from Cleveland, Ronald Haeberle has exposed photographs of the massacre and granted a newspaper firm an exclusive interview of himself . This gave the public an unbiased view of what really happened in the My Lai Massacre. The media has played a big role in giving the world a clear view of the Vietnam massacre. Because of media, I strongly believe that the My Lai Massacre freed itself from the preconceived thoughts of the world being a massacre that had to do with the political and economic insurgency in Vietnam at that time against communism and their leaders (Bilton & Sim, 1992). Instead, this war also highlighted on the American military whose unlawful command needed s ome rethinking and how the American military’s actions strongly shaped Vietnamese history and culture today. The Massacre was indeed not only a big event in Vietnamese history but is still continuing to remind people of the massacre’s remnants because of its short and long term effects. Some of the short term effects of the war would include the stricter guidelines and qualifications set for military volunteers who wish to serve in leadership troops. This was due to lack of in-depth knowledge on making decisions on critical matters that led to the My Lai massacre. Apart from which, there was also a drop in the number of applicants who would want to train for military service through college attendance or homeland service because the Vietnam war drew a bad light on the hopes of producing well-trained and experienced career soldiers who would be put in the front lines. On the other hand, some of the long-term effects of the My Lai Massacre would be the change in the cult ure of military training. As the massacre pointed out the problems with the old military culture wherein the insistence of compulsory obedience is required and the doctrine of â€Å"command responsibility† to the lowest ranks is strictly followed, today, the military command landscape drastically changed (Bilton & Sim, 19

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Economics of Shipping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Economics of Shipping - Essay Example This paper deals with how different factors affect bulk carrier's demand and supply and how Baltic Dry Index be used to predict the demand and supply of Dry Bulk Carrier for next three months. This paper also describes how recent global economic recession has caused decrease in steel production and thus decreases in global demand for iron, coal and minor bulk commodities and how this has affected the demand for bulk carriers. The paper also deals with industry specific risk factors and how they can affect the earnings of the companies supplying bulk carriers. A bulk carrier is a merchant ship that is used to transport bulk cargo that is not packaged such as coal, ore and grains. The ship usually carries cargo in its cargo holds. It is a ship in which the cargo is carried as bulk. The bulk carriers were first made in 1852 but with time, the economic forces caused these ships to become more sophisticated and caused them to increase in size. There are two types of bulk carriers, wet bulk carrier and dry bulk carrier. The bulk carriers are dominating merchant ships. In terms of tonnage they comprise about one third of total world's fleet. So far the world's largest bulk carrier is able to carry about 365,000 metric tons of dead weight (DWT). The bulk carriers are divided into six main categories: small, handy size, handy max, panamex, capsize, very large bulk carrier (VLBC) (MAN Diesel Group, 2005, p. 3-4. ). Small bulk carriers have capacity of about 10,000 DWT and mini bulk carriers are most popular amongst them. They have a capacity of about 500 to 2000 tons and are usually used for river transport. Such ships easily pass under bridges and they have small crew. Handymax and Handy size have a capacity of more than 10,000 DWT and these two represent about 71% of all bulk carriers. Handymax ships have a capacity of about 52,000 DWT and have about four holds to carry cargo. Panamax canal's lock chamber limits the size of Panamax vessels. And it can accommodate ships with beam of up to 32.31m, a length of overall of up to 294.13m, and a draft of up to 12.04m (Autoridad del Canal de Panam, 2005, pp. 11- 12) Capesize vessels are very large vessels and have capacity of about 20,000 DWT. They carry cargo mainly like coal and iron. Large capacity capesize ships are specially designed to carry iron. Baltic Dry Index Baltic Dry Index is based on Baltic Exchange. This index is means of providing prices of raw materials transported by sea (Baltic Exchange, 2009).. The Baltic Exchange is a membership organization and its member is at the heart of world trade. Every day brokers around the world want to know how much it would cost to transport cargo around the world. These indices are made by assessment of international broking companies. The bulk cargo market relies on the mutual agreement and cooperation of ship owners and brokers to ensure a smooth flow of business(Baltic Exchange, 2009).. It is a rule of Baltic Exchange that all members should follow a code of business and abide by the rules. In case any member fails to follow rules then the member is expelled. There are about five hundred companies and about two thousand people that are member of Baltic Exchange

Immigration Enforcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Immigration Enforcement - Essay Example The department of state (DOS) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) play the role of administering the law and policies on the unknown or foreigners. DOS plays the main responsibility of issuing visas, citizenship of U.S and immigration services. DHS is responsible for approving immigrant petitions, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in some chosen embassies abroad (Brotherton & Kretsedemas, 2008). Department of State (DOS) holds excessive power over the issuance of the visa. Consular officers are more concerned about facilitating tourism and trade to inspect visa applicants carefully. It is often argued that the principal authorities should be given to VSP, which assigns special agents with expertise in immigration law and stand against terrorism (Brotherton & Kretsedemas, 2008). Border security deals in many ways by which illegal and fugitive individuals and the goods enter the country. Border security technically involves controlling the ports from which legitimate or legal travelers enter the country. It also involves patrolling these lands and borders to prohibit illegal entries in the country. Fencing the borders is one permanent issue (Brotherton & Kretsedemas, 2008). One billion US Dollars were allotted for the use of Border Initiative Network (SBInet), the virtual fence of the cameras, radar and for the devices of communication, which was cancelled due to the misuse and overrun of cost from 2006-2010 by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). International land border and other oversight issues would keep on raising the question of what the technology, infrastructure, and personnel should be or do to identify and prohibit the entries of illegal personnel in the country. Efforts to improve the security of immigration documents are made to develop a system that tackles corrupted or fraud documents (dAppollonia & Reich, 2008). Since the terrifying

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Four hours in my lai Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Four hours in my lai - Essay Example This is because the U.S military taking refuge in one of the Vietnamese villages was waiting for an encounter that would allow them to use their trainings and protection mechanism for the war. However, this opportunity did not come easily thus, they decided to try the attack towards Vietnamese groups. My Lai Massacre happened in the morning of March 16, 1968 which was one of the bloodiest and vicious mass killings in history(Michael & Kevin,102). This Massacre was characterized by the killing spree done in the hamlets in South Vietnam by the U.S. military troupes by the use of bombs and blasting that killed not only men and women, but also innocent children and even animals (Bilton & Sim, 1992). The massacre death toll reached approximately 500 plus people. Though the massacre called for attention, the soldiers involved in the massacre, 26 of them to be exact, one of whom is Lt. William Calley has managed to reduce the buzz from the eventful date. However, during the fall of the year 1969, media was able to open the eyes of the world and bring them to the real tragedy and demonstration of abuse of power by the U.S. military in the My Lai massacre that led to the imprisonment of those involved. The Cleveland Plain Dealer spearheaded in breaking the story to the public where an army photographer from Cleveland, Ronald Haeberle has exposed photographs of the massacre and granted a newspaper firm an exclusive interview of himself . This gave the public an unbiased view of what really happened in the My Lai Massacre. The media has played a big role in giving the world a clear view of the Vietnam massacre. Because of media, I strongly believe that the My Lai Massacre freed itself from the preconceived thoughts of the world being a massacre that had to do with the political and economic insurgency in Vietnam at that time against communism and their leaders (Bilton & Sim, 1992). Instead, this war also highlighted on the American military whose unlawful command needed s ome rethinking and how the American military’s actions strongly shaped Vietnamese history and culture today. The Massacre was indeed not only a big event in Vietnamese history but is still continuing to remind people of the massacre’s remnants because of its short and long term effects. Some of the short term effects of the war would include the stricter guidelines and qualifications set for military volunteers who wish to serve in leadership troops. This was due to lack of in-depth knowledge on making decisions on critical matters that led to the My Lai massacre. Apart from which, there was also a drop in the number of applicants who would want to train for military service through college attendance or homeland service because the Vietnam war drew a bad light on the hopes of producing well-trained and experienced career soldiers who would be put in the front lines. On the other hand, some of the long-term effects of the My Lai Massacre would be the change in the cult ure of military training. As the massacre pointed out the problems with the old military culture wherein the insistence of compulsory obedience is required and the doctrine of â€Å"command responsibility† to the lowest ranks is strictly followed, today, the military command landscape drastically changed (Bilton & Sim, 19

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Immigration Enforcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Immigration Enforcement - Essay Example The department of state (DOS) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) play the role of administering the law and policies on the unknown or foreigners. DOS plays the main responsibility of issuing visas, citizenship of U.S and immigration services. DHS is responsible for approving immigrant petitions, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in some chosen embassies abroad (Brotherton & Kretsedemas, 2008). Department of State (DOS) holds excessive power over the issuance of the visa. Consular officers are more concerned about facilitating tourism and trade to inspect visa applicants carefully. It is often argued that the principal authorities should be given to VSP, which assigns special agents with expertise in immigration law and stand against terrorism (Brotherton & Kretsedemas, 2008). Border security deals in many ways by which illegal and fugitive individuals and the goods enter the country. Border security technically involves controlling the ports from which legitimate or legal travelers enter the country. It also involves patrolling these lands and borders to prohibit illegal entries in the country. Fencing the borders is one permanent issue (Brotherton & Kretsedemas, 2008). One billion US Dollars were allotted for the use of Border Initiative Network (SBInet), the virtual fence of the cameras, radar and for the devices of communication, which was cancelled due to the misuse and overrun of cost from 2006-2010 by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). International land border and other oversight issues would keep on raising the question of what the technology, infrastructure, and personnel should be or do to identify and prohibit the entries of illegal personnel in the country. Efforts to improve the security of immigration documents are made to develop a system that tackles corrupted or fraud documents (dAppollonia & Reich, 2008). Since the terrifying

Soda is bad for you Essay Example for Free

Soda is bad for you Essay Dr. Sara Po trom Family Cosmetic Dentistry, but shes not the only one that thinks that! Almost all pop has some sort ot sugar or high tructose corn syrup in it: this is known to damage teeth. The sugar in carbonated sott drinks is a primary source tor cavities. Bacteria in your mouth teed on sugar and ake an acid that dissolves tooth enamel says Dentist Howard S. Glazer. Howard Glazer is the president of the Academy of General Dentistry and has been a dentist for over 15 years. Faber 2 Not only do regular sodas affect a persons teeth negatively, diet soda does also, According to the Colgate Dental Resource Center, Soft drinks and diet soft drinks have emerged as one of the most significant dietary sources of tooth decay, affecting people of all ages. Acids and acidic sugar byproducts in soft drinks soften tooth enamel, contributing to the formation of cavities _ Acid and acidic sugar byproducts re both found In many different types of soda Sodas contain a high amount of Acidity, and when you get a lot of acidity In your mouth that can cause the formation of cavities to speed Your chances of getting cavities are much greater when the acid level In your saliva goes under a certain point. Drinking soda frequently causes the acid level In your saliva to go under that point, and when that happens your teeth start to lose natural minerals that protect your teeth from getung cavities. According to an unknown author at Fltsugar. com, The phosphoric acid In soda, which Is what eeps It nice and bubbly, dissolves the calcium out of your teeths enamel, leaving them soft and unprotected causing cavities. The phosphoric acid In soda not only affects the enamel on your teeth but It also affects your bones. The American Journal ot cllnlcal Nutrition published a study that showed evidence that supports the Idea that drinking more soda lowers bone density. The lower the density ot a bone, the more likely it is to break. James A Howenstine the authorot, A Physicians Guide to leading to lower calcium levels and higher phosphate levels in the blood. When hosphate levels are high and calcium levels are low, Faber 3 calcium is pulled out of the bones phosphate content of soft drinks it is very high, and they contain virtually no calcium. That can cause bones to weaken. A recent study at Harvard shows that people who drink soda are three times as likely to get bone fractures compared to those who dont drink soda. Men and women that drank three or more sodas a day had 2. 3 to 5. percent less bone mass compared to those who didnt drink any pop at all. This is because excess phosphorus in your diet binds with calcium in your digestive tract, which keeps it rom reaching your bones says Dr. Tucker from Tufts University. Any kind of pop regular, caffeine free, or diet contains phosphorus. Phosphorus is an ingredient that increases the acidity of your blood. Your body takes calcium from your bones, in an effort to try and get rid of some of the acidity in your blood which leads to bone loss over a sort period of time. Just three colas per week may be enough to create significant bone loss says Dr. Tucker. In a 120z can of regular soda, on average there is 160 calories. In one can of soda contains anywhere from 10-12 teaspoons of sugar hich is your recommended intake for one entire day. 62% of Americans drink at least one soda per day. Soda contains virtually no nutritional value, these added empty calories can add up to 65,700 extra calories a year if a person drinks Just one soda a day. These statistics are according to California Center for Public Health. Drinking an excessive amount of soda can lead to a person to be overweight or even lead to obesity. Soda pop is a quintessential Junk food, Its Just pure calories, and no nutrients. Its like a bomb in our diet. The CSPI is pushing to require obesity warning abels on the sides of soda Faber 4 cans, like the surgeon generals warning on cigarettes said Michael Jacobson, who heads the Center for Science in the Public Interest. In a study done at Harvard scientists gave 100 people regular soda to drink for a week. Then gave anot her 100 people other drinks such as milk, water, and orange Juice to drink for a week. In the end the people who drank the regular soda gained as much as 81bs. Dr. Louis Aronne of Weill-Cornell Medical College says Its because soda pop of any kind is a waste of calories. It gives you more sugar then your body needs which means more calories, nd in the end doesnt fill you up at all. Most people that drink soda and go on diets usually think that switching over to diet soda will be better for them because it contains no calories. Researchers at the University Of Texas Health Sciences Center found there is a 41% increased of being overweight for every can of diet soda you drink each day. The study found that people who drank diet soda gained more weight than those who drank regular soda. A reason for this is that diet soda fools your body into thinking its getting calories.

Monday, October 14, 2019

In a large number of situations both insurers

In a large number of situations both insurers â€Å"In a large number of situations both insurers and the courts recognise that the doctrine of subrogation in insurance may have unfortunate results and is wasteful. It is clear that the doctrine no longer serves any useful purpose†. Discuss. INTRODUCTION It has been recognised that fundamentally it is tort law that ensures compensation for loss in terms of compensation within the concept of the tortfeasor restoring loss through damages being paid to the person wronged[1]. In terms of insurance this liability can be revealed through the idea behind third party liability, the first party being the insured, the second party being the insurer, and the third party relating to any potential for restitution needing to be paid to anybody not included within the terms of the contract who might have met some sort of loss through the actions of the insured person, eventually becoming incorporated into the law of liability. Meanwhile, subrogation[2] has been defined as â€Å"the substitution[3] of one person in place of another with reference to a lawful claim†[4] or, more simply, the recognition in law that a lawful claim may be pursued by a third party in accordance with the principles of substitution[5]. Various types of subrogation are recognised, revealed as legal, statutory and conventional subrogation, the latter relating specifically to the terms of a contract, the legal revealed in allowing one individual to assume the rights over another and the statutory occurring as a result of the law being applied in terms of legal subrogation. This essay, focuses on the tenets of insurance law through which the principle of indemnity is revealed through the doctrine of subrogation in terms of its conventional interpretation within its statutory framework, i.e. as a remedy in â€Å"what might be classified as unjust enrichment in a legal system that is based upon the civil law†[6]. Subrogation originates from both common law and the laws of equity and it is also through both equity and common law that it continues to be administered, with the law of restitution recognised as a quasicontract within common law rather than incorporated into the laws of contract[7] or the law of tort. It has, however, become clear that this doctrine of subrogation no longer serves any useful purpose and has by been recognised both insurers and the courts that, in many situations, it may have unfortunate results and is wasteful. This essay discusses the issues surrounding the concept of subrogation and presents an argument that suggests that the function of this doctrine is, indeed, outmoded, inefficient and costly. DISCUSSION No Profit Rule Any capricious risk reassigned through a contract of insurance is subject to various fundamental assumptions, one of which is the factor surrounding that risk’s arbitrary nature. Through the element of ‘utmost good faith’[8] it is expected that the person to be insured discloses everything that could be relevant to the risk that the insurer is taking when it has agreed to insure the client[9]. Similarly, the client may not be put at a disadvantage by any actions the insurer may undertake, with a number of regulations to ensure that the insurer adheres to acceptable practices and the insured does not, through any misrepresentation, preclude any entitlements owed to the insurer[10]. Under the terms of the ‘made whole principle’ the insured person must be reimbursed in full prior to any profit being considered liable to the insurer, and the insurer may not implement the doctrine of subrogation until the insured person has been reimbursed in full[11], exc ept where a clause in the policy enables the insurer to apply the principle of subrogation when only partial payment has been made. Nevertheless, insurers are within their statutory rights to offer a voluntary settlement to the insured person and then pursue judgment with the expectation of receiving full compensation through implementing the doctrine of subrogation against the third party’s liability insurance. However, the client may not jeopardise the trust that exists between insurer and insured by claiming more than their loss[12], more recently the basis of a case where a Canadian Court of Appeal reduced the amount of compensation received by the Appellant, while they: â€Å"imposed significant punishment for the bad faith of the respondent without upsetting the proper balance between the compensatory and punitive functions of tort law†. Although in English law claiming more than the actual loss is not specifically illegal, to do so would be in breach of equitable principles and the doctrine of indemnity which assumes that the insured person would not make a profit from their loss. The doctrine of subjugation may be used in certain cases, stipulated by the courts, in order to remedy situations[13] whereby an unjust profit had been made, in accordance with the explanation given by Lord Diplock in Orakpo v Manson Investments Ltd: â€Å"It is a convenient way of describing the transfer of rights from one person to another, without assignment or assent of the person from whom the rights are transferred and which takes place in a whole variety of widely different circumstances†[14]. Should the situation occur whereby the insured profits, it would be expected that they reimburse any excess to their insurer[15]. Meanwhile, if, after both the insured and the insurer has been fully indemnified, there is excess money from the claim, the insurer is within their rights to claim it, as in the case of Yorkshire Insurance Co v Nisbet Shipping Co[16]. Similarly, if a claim is settled in full by a third party and the money paid to the insurer, then that insurer is legally within their rights to deduct any excess from the compensation before paying the residue to the insured in accordance with the terms of their insurance agreement, as revealed in the case of Scottish Union National Insurance Co v Davis[17]. Evidence of Loss The Courts tend to interpret insurance policies in accordance with those rules relating to the laws governing contracts, taking the overall context as being consistent with the actual intended meaning[18] although, in situations where a meaning might be unclear it is usually the insured person who benefits in accordance with the doctrine of contra proferentem in terms of the guidelines of equity, although in the case of Leppard v Excess Insurance Co Ltd the actual sum awarded to the insured was reduced on Appeal as it was ruled the insured had been awarded indemnity in excess of his loss[19]. Accordingly, and in view of the fact that insurance policies are subject to the rules of contract, it is necessary to ascertain whether the client was insured and, if so, under what terms, as revealed in the case of Sprung v Royal Insurance (UK) Ltd[20] where it was decided that, although the plaintiff had clearly suffered a loss through the late payment of his claim, the: â€Å"loss was recoverable in law from the defendants in addition to the interest element of the sum which had already been paid in respect of the loss under the policy†[21]. However, the figure awarded should be in accordance with the market value of the property and, in situations where a property was incomplete, the value of the loss should reflect the market value at the time the loss occurs, illustrated by the case of Richard Aubrey Film Productions Ltd v Graham[22] who, nearing completion of their filming, had their negatives stolen. At completion the film had an estimated market value of around  £20,000 but, as it still required further editing and other attention, thought to be around  £4,700 in value, prior to release the full market value was not considered to be appropriate. It was interpreted that compensation should be in accordance with the value of an ordinary indemnity contract, reflecting the sum a buyer would be prepared to pay for the film at the time of loss. An overriding factor in assessing whether compensation may be payable is the legislation appropriate to each individual case, identified through either its comprehensive cover or through its specific limitations in terms of criteria. Policies need to take account for the devastation fire can cause, taking into account ‘reasonable reinstatement’ as clarified by Reynolds v Phoenix Assurance Co Ltd[23] relating to the proposed refurbishment of an old mill. On the advice of their insurance brokers they greatly increased their indemnity. Subsequently a fire destroyed most of the building. It was established that the policyholder genuinely intended to rebuild the property and should be properly indemnified, although an issue was raised with the doctrine of undue enrichment, which was taken into account. Remedy of Restitution According to case law, and especially clarified by Lord Diplock[24], it is generally an accepted principle that the rule of subrogation cannot be appropriate in every case and should be utilised reservedly for instances where it is especially pertinent and, as clarified in the case of Re TH Knitwear (Wholesale) Ltd[25], only to the satisfaction of the courts, as in the case of Campbell Auto Finance Co v Warren in 1933[26], and similarly in later rulings, e.g. Re Chobaniuk and Canadian Johns Manville Co Ltd[27], although there are always exceptions. Subrogation may occur through the breach of duty or duplicity by the defendant resulting in the plaintiff being owed some form of corrective justice and recognised as a fundamental principle that profit may not be assumed through deceit[28], or the doctrine of unjust enrichment[29], in accordance with Lord Goff’s ruling in Lipkin Gorman[30]: â€Å"A claim to recover money at common law is made as a matter of right; and even though the underlying principle of recovery is the principle of unjust enrichment, nevertheless, where recovery is denied, it is denied on the basis of legal principle†. An insurer may enter into a simple subrogation by metaphorically standing in place of the insured person[31], after the insured person’s claim has been paid[32], and claiming the value of the insured person’s indemnity from this third party. This claim through subrogation must, however, be undertaken in the name of the insured person to reflect the fact that liability continues even though the insured person has already been indemnified. In effect, this means that the insurer is forcing the insured person to undertake further action despite the fact that they have already received full payment. The result will reimburse the insurer to the value of that which has already been paid to the insured. In theory, this would enable an insured person who had suffered a loss from the actions of a third person, to receive double compensation through a secondary action against the third party, the tortfeasor, as in the case of Caledonia North Sea Ltd v London Bridge Engineering Co[33] during which the insurers were allowed to â€Å"exercise a right of subrogation and sue in the insured's name under the contracts of indemnity†. The perception of compensation has a dual function: the satisfaction of obtaining justice against a defendant and the plaintiff being compensated to the value of their loss. Nonetheless, debate[34] currently surrounds the issue of deducting collateral damages that might already have been paid to the plaintiff, the intention being that the plaintiff should be left in the position they were in before the liability occurred according to the precepts of common law as ruled in British Transport Commission v Gourley[35]. It was recognised in Parry v Cleaver[36] that common law offers no recognition of prior benefits being deducted or not with it being left to the courts’ discretion to rule in accordance with â€Å"justice, reasonableness and public policy†[37] and, despite the law of tort remaining at variance with any of the more updated methods of compensation, its procedures continue to be an important way of recompensing for loss with the result that collateral compensati on often results in a breach of the doctrine of unjust enrichment, as revealed in British Transport Commission v Gourley: â€Å"it is a universal rule that the plaintiff cannot recover more than he has lost†¦Before Gourley’s case it was well established that there was no universal rule with regard to sums which came to the plaintiff as a result of the accident but which would not have come to him but for the accident†[38]. This ruling was later upheld in Hussain v New Taplow Paper Mills Ltd[39] due, in part, to Lord Bridge’s view that the tortfeasor should not benefit because the plaintiff had paid insurance premiums or received other payments as the result of charity, i.e. an award of damages having a deterrent effect through the defendant having to pay compensation, highlighted in the case of Redpath v Belfast and County Down Railway[40], although this was later superseded by British Transport Commissioners v Gourley[41]. When Browning v War Office[42] was heard in the Court of Appeal it was noted that: â€Å"whether the policy of the common law in these types of actions is to provide restitution for the plaintiff or to visit retribution on the defendant?†[43]. CONCLUSION Insurance law does not necessarily correlate with the principles of common law, with indemnity considered to be non-deductible due to a variety of reasons, part of which appears to be a reflection on the courts’ attitude to social policy. It was ruled in the case of Caledonia North Sea Ltd v London Bridge Engineering Co[44], i.e. Caledonia North Sea Limited (Respondents) v British Telecommunications Plc (Appellants) (Scotland) and Others[45]: â€Å"insurance company recoveries, under their right of subrogation, most often flow from tort actions is quite natural, but without significance. Subrogation is an equitable principle and applies to contract rights as fully as it does to tort actions†¦ The insurer is subrogated to appellant's contract right of indemnity. This sustains the cause of action against appellant for the identical reason that subrogation sustains a tort action where the plaintiff has been paid for his loss† The case of Parry v Cleaver[46], decided in the House of Lords, illustrates the incongruous situation of continuing to recognise the doctrine of subrogation in insurance, recognised by both insurers and the courts as being wasteful and no longer serving any useful purpose, with both the opportunity and the possibility of various unfortunate results emerging from this practice continuing, the concept of insurance having diminished the influence tort alone now has in terms of restitution[47]. Insurance companies now reimburse up to 94% of all damages and 88% of all claims in tort through insurance premiums that have been pre-paid[48]. The law of restitution or quasicontract is recognised at common law rather than contractual remedies or remedies at tort. However, evidence provided by case law suggests that the circumstances in which these remedies are applied is reliant on a specific set of principles[49] and there appears to be considerable doubt as to the criteria for subrogation allowed to be applied, with it being suggested that applying it arbitrarily was unacceptable – it should be a â€Å"matter of principle†[50]. The definitive case that has been acknowledged as introducing the law of restitution into case law was Moses v Macferlan[51]. â€Å"The law of restitution is the law relating to all claims†¦which are founded upon the principle of unjust enrichment†[52]. It has been claimed that ‘federal class actions have tripled over the past 10 years’ represented by a burgeoning escalation of over 1000%[53] and is contributing to an incipient damage to the US economy with ‘litigation costs increased at four times the growth of the overall economy’[54]. Krauss observes that the law of tort is ‘not insurance against unfortunate losses†¦[it]†¦does not exist to protect against risks’. As he clarifies, the competitive nature of the insurance industry enables premiums paid by policy holders to cover the cost of most claims[55]. In the US this may be achieved through social insurance, welfare payments and tax law or by way of private insurance, none of which had evolved to such developments as modern society enjoys when the cases of Castellain v Preston[56] and Darrell v Tibbetts[57] were being heard in the Court of Appeal during the 19th Century. Subrogation was ruled in Darrell v Tibbetts[58] as payment had been made for a loss which, in retrospect, was revealed not to have been a loss and, as such, the plaintiff was entitled to seek redress from the courts in order to be reimbursed for his loss. In Castellain v Preston, however, this was not the case and ultimately resulted in both sellers and purchasers, in effecting conveyance of property, to be required to insure that property against loss, an apparent example of a wasteful exercise. The ruling made by Chitty J was on the premise that â€Å"The contract of sale was not a contract†¦for the preservation of the buildings insured†[59]. However, it was also recorded that Chitty, J correlated ‘subrogation’ with â€Å"the insurers are entitled to enforce all the remedies whether in contract or in tort†, thereby paving the way to future confusion between when subrogation was an appropriate action and blurring the distinction between the law of contract, that of tort and that of quasicontract administered through common law. The case went to Appeal where Brett, LJ[60] interpreted simple subrogation as a doctrine of subrogation interchangeable with the doctrine of indemnity. The Law Reform Commission state that Brett, LJ ‘distorted the definition of subrogation so as to cover the case’[61] with the effect that it has subsequently been misapplied in many other cases[62], with its true application, equity, continuing to be incorrectly interpreted over the years as subrogation. The Commission states: â€Å"†¦its long-term effect has been to introduce a confusion into the heart of the law in this area which has rendered its workings obscure and which must be stripped away before the remedies made available†¦to enforce the principle of indemnity can properly be understood†[63]. This reinforces their view of sufficient welfare provision and private insurance cover to preclude the need to subrogate a claim against a tortfeasor. In accordance with this view, the doctrine of subrogation can no longer serve any useful purpose and, in view of the amount of waste in terms of litigation costs and courts’ time that results from this doctrine far outweighs its continued value or rationale. Total Word Count (excluding bibliography and footnotes): 3,000 words BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS: Beatson, J (2002): Anson’s Law of Contract, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Page 20. Bird and Hird (2001): Modern Insurance Law, London: Sweet and Maxwell, Page 256 Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition (1990). Burrows, (1993): The Law of Restitution, London: Butterworths, Page 1 Goff and Jones (1998): The Law of Restitution, [5th ed]. London: Sweet and Maxwell, Page 3 Krauss, Michael I (1992): Tort Law and Private Ordering, USA: St Louis University Press Mitchell, Charles (1994): The Law of Subrogation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Page 4 Oxford English Dictionary, The Compact Edition ( Oxford, 1987), ii. 3126 Virgo, Graham (1999): Principles of the Law of Restitution. Oxford: Oxford University Press ARTICLES: Barker, (1995): Unjust Enrichment: containing the beast. In OJLS, 15, 457,473 Barker, (1998): Rescuing Remedialism in Unjust Enrichment Law: why remedies are right. In CLJ, 57, 301. Birds, John: Contractual subrogation in insurance. [1979] JBL 124, Pages 132 133 Connor, Martin F (2000, October): Taming the Mass Tort Monster, In the National Legal Centre for the Public Interest, Page 4 Hasson, Reuben: Subrogation in insurance law a critical evaluation. [1985] 5 Oxford J Legal Stud 416, Page 425 428 HMSO: Report of the Royal Commission on Civil Liability and Compensation for Personal Injury [UK Pearson Commission (1978, Vol. 2, para. 509) [Cmnd 7054] Law Reform Commission CONSULTATION PAPER ON COLLATERAL BENEFITS (LRC CP 15 1999) Dublin: IPC House ONLINE RESOURCES (Site visited 25/05/05. Hyperlinks functioning) Krauss, Michael I (2004): Medical Malpractice: is it time for Tort Reform in Maryland, USA?: The Maryland Public Policy Institute http://www.mdpolicy.org/research/health/MDMedMal.pdf Parsons, Chris (2002): Moral Hazard and Behavioural Aspects of Liability Insurance. TABLE OF CASES: British Transport Commission v Gourley [1956] AC 185, [1955] 3 All ER 796, [1956] 2 WLR 41, 2 Lloyd's Rep 475, 34 ATC 305, [1955] TR 303, 49 RIT 11 Browning v War Office and Another [1960 B. No. 3080] [COURT OF APPEAL] [1963] 1 QB 750 Caledonia North Sea Ltd v London Bridge Engineering Co [2000] Lloyd's Rep IR 249 Campbell Auto Finance Co v. Warren [ 1933] 4 DLR 509 at 515 Canadian Johns Manville Co Ltd [1969] 39 WWR 680 at 681 Castellain v Preston Others [1881-1885] All ER Rep 493 Castellain v Preston and Others [1882] 8 QB D 613 (April 4) Castellain v Preston and Others [1883]11 QB D 380 (March, 12) Commercial Union Ass Co v Lister (1874)LR 9 Ch 483 Darrell v Tibbetts (Court of Appeal) 5 QB D 560 Hussain v New Taplow Paper Mills Ltd [1988] 1 AC 514, [1988] 1 All ER 541, [1988] 2 WLR 266, [1988] ICR 259, [1988] IRLR 167 Leppard v Excess Insurance Co Ltd [1979] 2 All ER 668, [1979] 1 WLR 512, [1979] 2 Lloyd's Rep 91, 2 ILR 107, 250 EG 751, [1979] EGD 246 Lipkin Gorman (A Firm) v Karpnale Ltd [1991] 2 AC 548, 578 Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co (1880) 5 App Cas 25, 39 Morrison and Morrison v. Canadian Surety Co, n. 4 above, at 86 per Coyne, JA Moses v Macferlan [1776] 2 Burr. 1005, 1012; 97 ER 976, 981 Napier v Hunter [1993] 2 WLR 42: Lord Napier and Ettrick and Another v Hunter and Others and Lord Napier and Ettrick v RF Kershaw Ltd and Others [Consolidated Appeals] HL [1993] AC 713 Orakpo v Manson Investments Ltd and Others [ 1978] AC 95, [1977] 3 All ER 1, [1977] 3 WLR 229, 36 P CR 1 Page v Scottish Insurance Corporation Ltd; Forster v Page (Court of Appeal) [1929] 33 Ll.L Rep. 134 Parry v Cleaver (House of Lords) [1970] AC 1, [1969] 1 All ER 555, [1969] 2 WLR 821, [1969] 1 Lloyd's Rep 183, 6 KIR 265, (48 MLR 20) Phoenix Assurance Co v Spooner [1905] 2 KB 753 Rayner v Preston (1881) 18 Ch D 1 Regal Films [1946 OCA] Reynolds and Anderson v Phoenix Assurance Co Ltd and Others (Queen’s Bench Division) [1978] 2 Lloyd's Rep 440 2 ILR 75, 3 ILR 51, 247 EG 995, [1978] EGD 172 Re TH Knitwear (Wholesale) Ltd [ 1988] Ch 275 at 286 Richard Aubrey Film Productions Ltd v Graham [1960] QB 2 Lloyd's Rep 101 Scottish Union National Insurance Co v Davis [1970] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 1 Sprung v Royal Insurance (UK) Ltd [1999] Lloyd's Rep IR 111, (Transcript: Smith Bernal) West of England Fire Insurance Co v Isaacs (Court of Appeal) [1895 1899] All ER Rep 683 Whiten v. Pilot Insurance Co., [2002] 1 S.C.R. 595, 2002 SCC 18 Yorkshire Insurance Co Ltd v Nisbet Shipping Co Ltd (Queen’s Bench) [1962] 2 QB 330, [1961] 2 All ER 487, [1961] 2 WLR 1043, [1961] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 479 1 Footnotes [1] Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co (1880) 5 App Cas 25, 39 [2] Concept introduced in by Court of Appeal in the cases of Darrell v Tibbetts [1880] (Court of Appeal) 5 QB D 560 and Castellain v. Preston, ( 1883) 11 QBD 380 [3] The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary ( Oxford, 1987), ii. 3126 [4] Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition (1990). [5] Orakpo v. Manson Investments Ltd [ 1978] AC 95 at 112, per Lord Edmund-Davies [6] Orakpo v Manson Investments Ltd [ 1978] AC 95 per Lord Diplock [7] Beatson, J (2002): Anson’s Law of Contract, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Page 20. [8] Bird and Hird (2001): Modern Insurance Law, London: Sweet and Maxwell, Page 256 believe that â€Å"It may be that there is no general continuing duty of utmost faith†¦Ã¢â‚¬  [9] West of England Fire Insurance Co v Isaacs [1897] 1 QB 226 [10] Phoenix Assurance Co v Spooner [1905] 2 KB 753 [11] Page v Scottish Insurance Corporation [1929] 98 LJKB 308 [12] Rayner v Preston (1881) 18 Ch D 1 [13] Mitchell, Charles (1994): The Law of Subrogation. Contributors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Page 4 [14] [ 1978] AC 95 per Lord Diplock [15] Darrell v Tibbetts [1880] (Court of Appeal) 5 QB D 560 [16] [1962] 2 QB 330 [17] [1970] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 1 [18] Leppard v Excess Insurance Co Ltd [1979] 2 All ER 668, [1979] 1 WLR 512, [1979] 2 Lloyd's Rep 91, 2 ILR 107, 250 EG 751, [1979] EGD 246 [19] ibid [20] [1999] Lloyd's Rep IR 111 [21] Sprung v Royal Insurance (UK) Ltd [1999] Lloyd's Rep IR 111, per Hedley, J [22] [1960] QB 2 Lloyd's Rep 101 [23] [1978] QB 2 Lloyd's Rep 440 [24] Orakpo v Manson Investments Ltd [ 1978] AC 95 per Lord Diplock [25] [ 1988] Ch 275 at 286, per Slade LJ [26] Campbell Auto Finance Co v. Warren [ 1933] 4 DLR 509 at 515, per Masten JA [27] [1969] 39 WWR 680 at 681, per Friesen DCJ [28] Barker, (1995): Unjust Enrichment: containing the beast. In OJLS, 15, 457,473 [29] Burrows, (1993): The Law of Restitutio

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Technological Advancement in the US Military Essay -- United States Mi

Technological Advancement in the US Military Since its declaration of independence from Great Britain, the United States has experienced wars of many different sorts. Each war introduced a new kind of warfare. The Revolutionary War introduced for the first time in American history, the idea of naval warfare. Ships were armed with dozens guns and carried several dozens of men. The musket, armed with its bayonet as well as the cannon proved to be worthy weaponry advancements in the infantry together with various pistols. The Civil War introduced the revolving pistol as well as the Gatling gun which enabled soldiers to produce rapid fire and destroy enemies in large quantities with a single round. New technological advancements in transportation such as the railroad, enabled large quantities of troops to travel to a given area in nearly half the amount of time. However, the turn of the twentieth introduced new technological advancements in the country as well as the military. This ignited a century of technological advancements in the military that has enabled the United States to excel in militaristic domination. The first war to use significant technological advancement was World War I. Despite the introduction of trench warfare (in which troops dug bases many feet deep into the ground and fought only on the surface), the art of battle would forever be changed. There were many different types of weaponry advancements experienced in World War I. Machine guns were built twice more powerful than in the Civil War, firing up to 600 bullets a minute which was the equivalent of 250 riflemen. Artillery experienced a massive technological progression with the building of several thousands of powerful cannons with shells filled with ... ...ccomplishments. As the years progress, just as they have in the past, so will military technology. Not more 80 years ago, the United States was just learning how to se machine guns. Not more than 60 years ago, the United States was just learning how to use tanks and artillery. Nowadays, the US military has become the leading war machine in all aspects of warfare including weapons, computer technology and biological as well as chemical warfare. God only knows what advancements are to come our way. Works Cited * www.archives.gov/research/military/navy-ships/sailing-ships.html * www.doublegv.com/ggv/battles/tactics.html * www.revision-notes.couk/revision/927.html * www.channel4.com/histroy/microsites/w/wwzweapons.html * www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/vietnam/trenches/weapons.html * www.science.howstuffworks.com/surveillance-stealth-channel

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The protestant ethic :: essays research papers

Who would probably get the six hours of leisure, a Protestant or a Catholic? The Protestant group is mostly made up of the Northern European descent. The Catholic group comes mostly from the Southern European descent. Supposedly The Northern group was a little more advanced than the Southern group. The Catholics created less industrialized products, while the Protestants created highly advanced things which allowed their industrial lives to prosper. To me this sounds a lot like who is better the light skinned whites are the darker skinned whites. I mean I understand the facts as to what advancements actually came from a certain place but I think that no one Protestant was actually better than another Catholic. One could argue that maybe the Protestant group is a more advanced group because perhaps they have a personal relationship with God and the Catholic group doesn’t. Is that why the Catholic group isn’t as â€Å"blessed† as the Protestants? I mean you could really make up a lot of arguments as to why that is the way that it is. I mean today it is still like this in the world. Guess what the North Americans are a lot more advanced than the Southern Americans. Hmm?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Status is something people aspire to, even if they don’t have the means to achieve it†, (Fancy). Could this mean that the Northern Europeans didn’t have the means to achieve things such as the Protestant did? Why did the Protestants have the means and where did they get them from, was it from God? â€Å"People saw that social mobility was possible for themselves.†(Fancy). â€Å"Hard work was an acceptable means to achieve it† (Fancy). Did the Southern Europeans really work as hard as the Protestants? Maybe the Protestants worked 50 hours more than the Catholics and maybe that is why they seem to have created more of a industrialized nation. I have just listed at least three reasons as to why the Northerners where so much more â€Å"better off†, than the Southerners. I know that Weber also kind of felt the way that I do about this having to really boil down to what spiritual beliefs played a role in who was to be more successful. â€Å"Spirit†, which had its roots from the Protestantism could not have grown in the modern capitalistic world. Weber believed that Europe was already acquainted with capitalism before the Protestant revolt. For a good century or so capitalism had been a growing monster.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Planned Parenthood Essay

Planned parenthood is a luxury to the new generation. When our parents had children, it was not a decision; it was a moral â€Å"duty† to society. To further analyze the individual factors of planned parenthood you must draw on the larger religious, social, and economic factors that guide your individual decisions (Mills, 1959). If one considers the broad social factors that shape, influence, and allow individual choices, you are using what C. Wright Mill’s called the Sociological Imagination (Appelbaum and Chambliss, 1997). The insight provided by the Sociological Imagination brings new understanding to this particular event, the planning of parenthood. The choice to bare children was never a topic for conversation in past generations. Religion as an institution had greater influence than it does in modern society. Families of the past were expected to follow religious teaching and were manipulated by the sociological expectations of the family definition. Birth control and abortion were â€Å"taboo† and social norms demonstrated the influence of religion in society. Nowadays abortion clinics are common ground and â€Å"the pill† is the topic in high school settings. Due to today’s norms, most people are not following the old religious standards of â€Å"go forth and multiply†; they have new wants and desires. Religious beliefs that were the core of cultural values became second to scientific research and renovation. The focus of society shifted from the unknown and unexplained to the known and scientifically proven. Technology and medicine modernized sociological institutions; what was â€Å"taboo† became the social norm. The possibility of genetic testing, the development of the birth control pill, and government legislation of â€Å"pro-choice† allow individuals to have choices on parenthood. Technology, which we cannot control as individuals, creates individualism, free will, and personal disclosure from what was once considered a social â€Å"duty† or basic â€Å"human nature.† Social roles of men and women have a deep impact on personal decisions as well. Society expected men and women to get married, have children, and live a healthy life as husband and wife. Parenthood was not an option; it was a task in fulfilling your â€Å"social role† (Appelbaum and Chambliss, 1997). Men were â€Å"bread winners† and women â€Å"house makers† united by the family  institution. The role of men was to provide the family with comfortable living resources and protect them from harm. They were rough, tough, and above all, had the education to succeed in the workforce. Women were the heart of the family, the nurtures, the caregivers, the mothers and wives. They were neglected the educational resources needed to succeed in the workforce and the bare thought of a working mother was absurd. Now, with the high standards of family life, women are likely to work in order to provide additional family income. Economically, a child is a large strain on finances. This has a large impact on the decision to bear a child. In the past, large families were normal because children were also providers of income; therefore, a large family meant economic security. The family worked to fulfill family needs not family wants. Working-class families did not have the economic opportunity of extra disposable income; they did not have â€Å"luxuries†. The foundation of the family was hard work and unity. Women worked hard in the kitchen, men in the field, and children with household tasks. Parenthood was not an option; it was an extra source of income and survival. Social structures have given way to personal choice. Planned parenthood is the result of structural renovation. One can now sit down and discuss the meaning of being a parent without feeling society’s pressure to have a child. The Sociological Imagination enables us to â€Å"grasp at the relationship between our lives as individuals and the larger forces that help shape them† (Appelbaum, 2001). It is the interplay of larger social forces that shape the choices individuals make. The decision to bare a child is the result of social-historical renovation that provides us with the notion that we have some control over our fate. Planned parenthood is now an individual choice, not a sociological expectation.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pros and Cons of Computers Essay

During this time, there are a lot of changes that has happened to our world. New discoveries and inventions were found. One of these inventions is the computer. By this machine, our way of life and thinking have drastically changed. There are advantages and disadvantages of using this machine. For example, because of computers we can store data and make stay in its original state, like pictures, documents and other things. This was not possible in the earlier time. Because of it, we can store large amounts of data and make this data available for usage at anytime we needed it (Shelly & Vermaat, 2011, para.5). Computers have made information â€Å"immortal†per se. This machine has saved a lot of time for us, it has made processing, which took us ages to finish, done in a matter of seconds. This involves computing, organizing, showing images, recording and playing audio, and showing a video (Shelly & Vermaat, 2011, para.2). All these are simplified by computer in a quick time. In addition, this machine is very durable, it rarely breaks with proper care(Shelly & Vermaat, 2011, para.3). Even if computers have good to us, but it can also bring harm to us. Like the violation of privacy, many of us save personal information on computers, but there are instances that these computers be hacked by another person, and this person will can spread your personal information or steal your identity(Shelly & Vermaat, 2011, para.9). Also there is the health risk, even if there are proper position or usage of the computer, most of us tend to disregard these memos, and because of our ignorance and prolong use of computers we experience seizures, carpal tunnel and other disorders (Shelly & Vermaat, 2011, para.8). There is also the effect on our industries. Some tend to lay off workers, because this machine can do it more consistent and accurate than the average man (Shelly & Vermaat, 2011, para.11). The computer is great invention for of us, but we must control ourselves and acknowledge the disadvantage, not only the advantage. Gary Shelly and Misty Vermaat. Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers .