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Friday, October 18, 2019

Learning & Professional Practice assignment‏ Essay

Learning & Professional Practice assignment† - Essay Example This paper provides some discussions on the various aspects of learning that are important in understanding how human beings are as learners. Specifically, it explains how people learn as discussed mostly in the view of educational psychology, the methods used to further a person’s learning progress, the way learners responds in different learning environment, and how human beings develop what they learned into a higher level of thinking. People tend to have a general notion that learning usually transpires within the domains of formal educational institutions such as schools and universities. Although most of the knowledge that individuals accumulated over time have been a result of formal training and discourse, it is undeniable that the process of learning is an unending and inevitable phenomenon which happens in any other venues besides formal institutions. As Salmon (1980) puts it, learning also occurs outside schools and universities – that is, within the comforts of the home, the workplace, or any place where we can communicate and socialize with other people. Apparently, this is particularly true with a person’s early childhood learning experiences and equally true with his/her continual learning endeavors after bidding farewells to the academic world on his/her graduation day. In the early childhood years, human beings started to learn through the aid of speech and language which are usually accompanied by effective nonverbal gestures. From reciting nursery rhymes, they stepped up to writing our own essays and poems. From counting one to ten, they moved to memorizing the multiplication table and solving even more complex problems on accounting or mathematical economics. Eventually, they became capable to manage the financial aspects of a business. From learning the rules of a game, they became able to set our own rules or even devise a new game. I have to agree with Cam (1995) that the manifestations of

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