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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Primary and Secondary Research Approaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Primary and Secondary Research Approaches - Essay Example This research proposal shall cover various environmental issues that are due to human patterns of consumption. The rationale for this research proposal is to explore and further expose the problems of posed by the increasing level of consumption patterns towards the environment and to humanity itself. The end objective is to have a theoretical or hypothetical concept of a solution with regards to such a critical issue. This research could help provide a better and more understanding perspective and respect towards the environment. As Schaefer (2006) said, â€Å"environmental stewardship plays an important role in creating wildlife habitat in cities where people see firsthand the need for restoration and will themselves enjoy immediate benefits† (p.2). The outcome rationale of this research is to find a bridge between conservation while meeting the needs of an ever growing human

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